Day Nine, I'd Love to Meet..

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Dear Andrew,

         You are really amazing. Your music does wonders for people. It really makes an impact. What you stand for is just so wonderful, and there's no doubt you mean every bit because you're so well-spoken. Being yourself, no matter who you are, and never giving in. I've adopted the motto myself recently.

          As a band, you bring people together and make them realize they aren't alone. BVBArmy makes people feel apart of something, it's almost like an unseen support system.You guys, as a band and individuals, are so inspiring. Just to go out as what you wanna be, however you wanna be, and not care about the haters. It really helps to know that you guys get a lot of hate, but won't change for shit. That you guys just stay strong. I mean, you even get people who hate you so much that they pay to go to shows to come hate. And you tell them the hell off every time. You could care less what people think, because you know who you are and that's all that matters. You really set a great example for a lot of people that look up to you. You're even funny to top it off which, of course, makes interviews that much better.

            Musically, at first I didn't like Black Veil Brides at all. Actually, I resented you and didn't understand how you had fans. Terrible, I know. I guess I didn't give you much of a chance. Then when a friend of mine told me about your lyrics, I tried listening to it again, but still didn't like it. When stalking BryanStars interviews a few weeks ago, I saw an "Andy Sixx" interview. Curious, I clicked it. Andrew, you're quite an interesting person, and I was intrigued so I decided to try again. First, I re-listened to "Knives and Pens", because it was on at the beginning of the interview. Afterwards I found "Never Give In", and after that, die hard BVB fan. I must say the music is more of an acquired taste, but once you acquire it you're very glad. Don't think I'm just completely in love with it though, because you have issues. In order to understand some songs, you really have to listen to the lyrics, and probably learn them in the process. Also, you talk most of your songs. I wish you would be more singy, it would be wonderful. Another thing, I don't really like your screams. At first that was my big turn off to you guys, above all else. But I got used to it, plus you don't scream too too much.

             I'm currently in need of your albums. I plan on buying them very soon because no one else will get them for me. We Stitch These Wounds is a must have, and Set the Word On Fire isn't far behind. "Take your hand in mine, it's ours tonight. This is a Rebel Love Song!" Great song. But nothing tops, "I love you more than I can ever scream." Because that is the best song quote to have ever been quoted in the history of quotes. Thank you for doing what you do! And maybe one day I will get a chance to meet you. Being that you're all about your fans since without them you would be nowhere. Which, yes, you've said yourself many times. I feel I'm rambling, hopefully I wouldn't do this in person. *nervous wanna be chuckle*

               Your Appriciative Fan,


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