Day Ten, Someone I Barely Talk To

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Dear Abbaaaaaaaay!

                     Omigosh Abbz, I miss you soo muuch. I'm soo upset that we didn't hangout this summer. You have no idea. You are pretty much one of the closest friends I have, and sadly, one of the ones I barely spoke to this summer. I'm sorry! So so sorry. It's just, this summer was about me trying to find out who I was. I really hope it isn't awkward when school starts. I plan to just fit in with you guys, no more drama for me. I really do like Lexi, as long as she's ok. But if she starts with someone she shouldn't expect me not to comment, that's all.

                   I miss everyone so much. I miss Maddie, of course. How could I not? Even Katie, regardless all the issues we had. And of course, teasing Emily with you. It's sad to say I miss school. I miss being around everyone. I phsyically can't wait to see everyone. You're probably going to wonder what's wrong with me when you see how I'm going to act. Even still, I just can't wait. Hell, I even wanna see Claire, and no one likes Claire. Well, no one reaaaally likes Claire. I miss telling off people, too. Like freakin Alex. "You better leave Maddie alone before she pulls a Noel on you." Everyone starts laughing, and she's like, ".... What?" "Oh, nothing," as she just looks at me completely dumbfounded and we're still laughing. I soo can't wait to get the chance to do that again.

                That reminds me of a very fun subject. I wonder if Butt will try to talk to me or anything. I hope so. I have a lot of things I'd love to get off my chest to her. You can only imagine.. I'm still hostile over that. So, that should be fun to watch. So, I'm wondering how you feel about going back to school and everything? And what have you been up to? And how is everyone? How's Maddie, specifically? Are you still close with Alissa, I would think you are. Is she still convinced I hate her? We could probably bond over not liking Lauren. Oh, that's funny too.

                  I hope this year turns out like last, but better. I had fun, minus all the unnessasary drama that will not consume my life this time around. I'm over that mess. Last year was the most drama filled yet. Again, I hope this one will be better. I think it will. I really just can't wait. I feel like I've been friend deprived, even though I know it was probably me.. But, I love you guys! And not in that fake, "omg lol" kind of way. In the, "you guys are the effin best" way :D I shall see you soon, Undercover Penguin.


                    Dictator of Melissatopia, aka Austrailia after I took it over for blowing up Katie's house related reasons. Good times, good times.

 PS. I still have that drawn out comic Emily made for that story xD

PSS. Friday is the song cause we used to sing it all the timee lol

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