Chapter 1

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I was bored one day, sitting in my room on my laptop. It was a hot July afternoon, and like any other teenage boy I should be outside with my friends and maybe even a couple of girls. I should be getting ice cream or go swimming, or doing anything besides sitting in my room with the blinds closed, my blankets on and staring at bright computer screen.

But I'm not like other boys. My friends, or should i say my old friends, are dicks. We're at the age where we like to hang out with girls, or should like hanging out with girls as they say. Yeah, I like girls. They're just like guys, just with a different body type. But my old friends think that because I am gay I don't like being around girls and that's why they don't invite me to hang out with them anymore.

Well, they were totally wrong. The only friend that has actually stuck with me is a girl. But, considering she is at summer camp for the next two weeks, I have no one to hang out with.

And that's why I'm here in my dark room at two o'clock on a wednesday afternoon. And to get even weirder, I am on the victoria's secret website. If anyone were to burst into my room they'd think either A. I've lied about my sexuality or B. I had changed it, which isn't possible to do. You can't just pick your sexuality.

The reason I am on this website is because I am doing research. No, not in a pervy way, I just want to find out if lingerie models make as much money as they deserve. But after clicking around a bit, I find nothing. I exit out of the website and go back to google.

I type in lingerie models and continue on with my research. As the websites keep being links to magazines or porn, I dig deeper and actually go through many pages. I'm probably on the fifth or sixth Google page when I stumble upon a weird name for a website that catches my eye.

Being the odd teenaged boy i am, I click it. But as the page keeps loading more and more, my eyes grow wider and wider. And that's when I realize what this website actually is.

Men modeling women lingerie.

Hello, this is just a short, fun story I am writing. Don't expect too much out of it :)

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