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A couple of months went by and we were leaving for New York. We had ordered three Uhaul trucks to move our things in our new apartment. The drive to New York was like five hours long. We both took turns driving. Estella was asleep for half the time we were driving. When we finally got to New York. It was beautiful. Big and loud and colorful. This is exactly where I want my baby to grow up. She'll be more experienced in the world. I look out the window while Santo drove. We were stuck in traffic. A girl in ripped jeans and a red tank top skated by. She looked in the car. I smiled. She skated off. We moved up in traffic. I turned to Santo. "I hope New York is the right place for us." He kisses me on the cheek. "It is baby. We made a right choice." I turn around and see that Estella was awake and playing with her rattle. "Ma ma!!" She screamed. "Aww.." I take her rattle and wave in her face she squeals in delight. I give it back to her. Santo pulls out of traffic and into a parking garage.
"Ok. This is it." We get out of the car. I unbuckle Estella and put her on my hip. Then I grabbed my purse and we lock the car. We walk towards an elevator. The ride up was very shaky. "Hell nah. Next time I'm taking the stairs." Santo laughed. The elevator doors opened and we walked into a building. There was a woman with blonde hair standing outside a door. "C'mon Dorthy. Open the door." She said in a voice that sounded like she smoked 10 packs a day. "No! Bitch!" Ohh! Santo covered Estella's ears. We quickly walked down the hall looking for room 301. We find it right next to the vending machine and ice machine.

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