Second Day

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The Second day of school came and I was sooo excited to see who made the cheer team. I waited at the bus stop two minutes earlier. I was waiting when I saw a red Mustang zoom by blaring Meek mill and Nicki Minaj all eyes on you. I heard it's tires screech then it reversed. Yea. It was Santo. "Aye. You want to get in or wait for the bus?" He asked. I didn't answer the question and quickly got into the car. "Oh. Ok." I buckled up. "Hey." I said. He nodded. "You look good." He said looking at my outfit. Ik I did. "Thanx." He drove quickly down the road. "So what are you doing after school today?" He asked. I shrugged. "Idk." He oh alright. "And guess who never texted me?" He asked. I gasped a little. I honestly had forgotten. I got caught up talking otp with Shayla last night. "Ohhh... I'm sorry. I forgot..." He laughed. "It's alright." He turned into the schools driveway. "You ain't gotta text me if you don't want to." I nodded. He looked at me. "Oh no. I'm not nodding bc of that. I'm sorry... I'm just distracted. I'm trying to see who made the team." Santo nodded as if he understood. I think he was a little upset. I didn't care tho. That nigga could be in his feelings if he wanted to. He pulled up in front of the school. I unbuckled. "Ill get off here." I hopped out of the car and jogged up to the door. A Mexican Boy with light brown eyes held the door open for me. "Thanx." I sped walked down to the gym. I found Reginae and Ray Ray over there. "Hey!!" I called. They both turned around. "Heeeyyy!!!" Reginae sang jumping up in down. A clear Singh that she made the team. "You made it?" I asked. She nodded and gave me a hug. I looked at the list that was taped to the gym door and slid my finger down til I found it.
I found my name!!! Ava Davidson in bold black letters. "Yaaasss bish..." Reginae said giving a hug. I laughed. We had both mad the team.

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