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Santo and I were finally able to get an Apartment. In New York. It's not that big but it was big enough for us. Rick went in the basement and brought down all of my baby things that I used to use when I was little. Like a crib, a rocking chair, my favorite stuffed bunny which is now Estella's and a collection of story books. I let Estella sleep in my room in the crib. She whines if I don't rock her to sleep.
Santo came over last night and he rocked her to sleep. She was definitely a daddy's girl. I kissed her goodnight and when Santo tried to sneak out of my room she sat up and began to cry. I smiled."Stay. Just for tonight." He grabs Estella out of her crib and climbs into bed with me. She settled down between us. She was an Angel. So beautiful. I fell asleep at 9:00 just to wake up at 11:15 to her crying. I sit up and see Santo changing her diaper. "Shh.. go back to sleep. I got it." I nod and fall back asleep.
When I checked my email this morning I found out that I had a message from the ad that needed a nursing assistant. It read...
Dear Ava Castillo. I have looked at you application to be a nursing assistant at the hospital of Presbyterian. You do qualify with your certificate. I would love to meet up with you soon to have an interview whenever you can get up to New York.
-Hanna Howard
I squeal. "Yaaay!!" Amiya who was sitting next to me looked at my screen. "What?" She asked. "I have a job interview!!" She smiles. "That's good." My mom walks in with Estella on her hip. "What's good?" She asked. "I have a job interview." My mom smiled. "That is good. What about school?" She asked. I dropped out of school so that I could take it online. It was going awesome. "Great. I only have three more credits to pass and I can graduate." My mom set Estella in her high chair next to me and handed me a bowl of formula. "That's perfect." I dip her spoon in the formula and aim for her mouth. She opens. "So when are you guys leaving for New York?" Alyssa asked walking into the kitchen. "After Santo graduates." Amiya pours herself a glass of Orange juice. "How long will that take?" She asked. "Um... three months." She sips her juice. "Oh. Okay." I give Estella another spoonful. She gobbles it up. I wipe her chin with a napkin. "Here. I'll finish up. You get ready for work." She said. I had started working so that we always had a little bit of money on the side. Santo doesn't know that I'm working and I would like to keep it that way. I didn't want him to feel as if I was making side money.

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