Too fast

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At Santos house we went to his den. "So you don't care? That she cheated on you?" I asked. He shook his head. "No. I never really had feelings for her." I nodded. "Oh. I could understand." I laughed. We were laying down on his couch. My head was in his lap. He played with my hair. I closed my eyes. "I'm sorry. Ava." He said. "For what?" I asked. "He sighed. "Idk. Just everything. I feel like it's all my fault." I sit up and look at him. He had soft brown eyes. "No. It's not. But thanks. For being there for me. When I need you." He smiled. I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. When I pulled back we were looking each other in the eyes. He pulled me into his lap and kissed me back. Woooah!! Yeah. We went into a full make out. We.... actually went too fast. Acting too grown. We were up in his room on his bed and he was inside of me. Jesus!!!!! He was soft with me. Especially since I didn't know Wtf I was doing. I don't think he cared though. He just wanted me. And all of me. We was going too fast though. And after that... everything changed.

Hoping for the bestحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن