An Angel Was Born

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Three hours later and an angel was born. Estella my baby. My world. My everything. She was so small. She was adorable. She looked just like Santo. Curly hair, Brown eyes and chubby cheeks. "Since she's just an infant, her eyes are going to be Brown for a while. But when she's older I think they'll be lighter." The doctor said. I smiled. The door to the room opened and Santo and Belle and My mom came in. And right behind her was the rest of my family. "Omigod." Amiya squealed. Santo keeled beside me and took her from my arms. "Estella.." He whispered her name. She was beautiful. He stroked her head. "Everyone gather around. I want to take a picture." Bella said. She pulled out her phone and took pictures. "Oooh. Text them to me." My mom said. "Let me hold her." Amiya said. She took her from Santos arms and held her in her own. She was delicate with her. Santo turned to me and hugged me. "I love you baby." He said. I smile. It was the first time he had ever said that. "I love you too." He kissed me on the cheek. Estella got passed around to everyone. Even Kenye. He held her carefully. "So does this make me her uncle?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled. "Hi Estella. I'm ur uncle." Everyone laughed. Everything was going to be okay. It really was.
Estella and I were able to go home two days later. I decided to stop hiding my pregnancy and posted pictures on Instagram. I got hundreds of likes. On the car ride we had Estella buckled up in her new pink car seat. She was only 3 days old and she was already spoiled. She always whined whenever her daddy left and didn't liked to be waken up from her beauty sleep.

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