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The next morning I waited for Santos car to pull up and drive me to school. It never came. I stood there for a full 10 minutes. Maybe he wasn't going to school today. I waited another 5 minutes until I just began to walk. I got to school forty minutes late. First period was already over. In second period I walked in. Santo was in his seat on his phone. Are you fucking me? Hell nah. I sit in a seat far across the room from him. Two can play this game.
After second period, I went outside to text my mom to bring extra clothes for cheer practice. I was waiting for her to text back when Santo walked by with a group of friends. He glanced at me then looked away. I laughed. Then he stopped and turned around. "Hey I'm sorry I didn't pick you up today. I was running late and didn't have time to pick u up." I shake my head. "Nah it's cool. Don't worry bout it. Matter of fact, don't even pick me up no more. And I don't need a ride back home." Santo sighed. "Ava chill. I said I was running la-" "stfu. Bc u know damn well that u wasn't late. First u juss left yesterday with an attitude for no fucking reason, and then ignore me all second period. Oh and you wanna know why I wasn't in first period? Bc. I didn't have a fucking ride! Nigga I had to walk." Santo stepped close to me. "Look-" I stood up. "Nah. Hell nah. Don't talk to me right now." I walked off into the direction of the cafeteria. I sat down at the table. Reginae wasn't here today. It was only me, Jacob, Ray Ray, and Madison. Santo came into the cafeteria a little bit later and sat down across from me. "Hey. Baby." Jacob said grabbing my thigh under the table. I smack his hand away. "Hey Jacob" I said. He smiled and took my coke and drank from it. "So. What are you going to wear? To the ball?" Madison asked. I shrugged. "I think my mom has something." Madison nodded. "Oh that's cool." I looked at her. "Who are you going with?" I asked. She glanced at Ray Ray. I smiled. "Aww... that's so cute..." Santo looked at as if he was going to say something. I turned away. Fuck him.

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