"Hello?" I question in annoyance, which he caught.

"Don't 'Hello?' me." He tried his best to mimic me. I could hear some anger rising in his tone. "What have you been up to lately?"

"Nothing really. Just hanging out with friends." Over all I wasn't truly lie, but I wasn't telling the total truth.

"Oh, is that right?" He was about to say something else, but someone in the background interrupted him. I couldn't quite make out what the person was saying. "We will just have to continue this conversation when you come back to New York. Don't you dare forget your flight is at 5 in the morning on Sunday."

With that said he hung up the phone. He still doesn't say goodbye to me anymore. I don't know why. I mean its just a few simple words, its not even challenging words. But, I won't let it bother me.

What was bothering me though, was the fact that my dad had some more crap to talk to me about while I'm in New York. Okay, so I might have went to a club. But, I'm a teenager for crying out loud. Isn't that what teenagers are suppose to do? Plus I stayed out of the spotlight as I was there, and I wore a disguise for the most part.

I just shrugged off any thought of my dad. Today was going to be a great day. The cold of January being spent on a beach with some of my closest friends. I just hope that Juliet and her friends can come. Rachel usually hires body guards to keep them out, and other people that she doesn't like. And I am pretty sure she will try even harder to keep Juliet out. She doesn't seem to like that girl one bit, and it puzzles me.

Plus, she shouldn't have full authority of the beach. In fact my family owns half of the beach. Its not like it is a private beach or anything. But, my family gets the taxes that contribute to the beach properties that line the coast. She believes that since our families are so close, that she owns what we own.

I get up from my bed, and head towards the joining bathroom. As I flip on the blinding lights, I look in the mirror. My hair is a complete mess, my jeans hung low on my waist, and a slight cut was on my lower lip. I hear my stomach growl loudly, and I decide to take a shower before going to get something to eat.

*Juliet POV*

It is the middle of the day and I am video chatting with Sammy. I thought it would be best to inform her about what happened last night. When I told her she panicked, but when she knew who saved me, she struggled not to smile.

"I cant believe he rescued my little Juliet." She sighed dreamily. "Hes like your superman, or your knight in shining armor. That's so sweet."

I shook my head at her wild imagination. "I bet anyone else would do the same thing if a girl was being attached."

"I know but it wasn't just anyone, it was Jason Parker." She held out her hand and started counting things off her fingers. "The multi-billionaire, the sexiest man alive, the amazing musician, the -"

"Okay Sammy I get it." I laugh slightly and roll my eyes.

"I'm just glad that you are safe."

"Thanks." I put a shy smile on as I reach for my vibrating phone.

'How are you feeling? Are you doing okay? -Jason"

"Who is it from?" My nosey friend, Sammy asks.

"Jason. He just asked if I was doing alright." I reply as I type him a short message.

'I'm doing good, better than yesterday. Thanks for checking in.'

I look back at the laptop screen to see Sammy smiling like a crazed person.

"Sammy? You really need to stop smiling like that. It is starting to freak me out." I hear a knock on my dorm's front door. Shortly after the knock I hear Rebecca call my name. "Sorry Sammy, but I have to go. I'll text you later while I'm at the beach."

"Have fun." Sammy says truly and logs off the computer right before I close mine.

As I rush to the front door, I stub my toe against the corner of the baseboards. While biting my tongue to stop my chant of curse words, I open my door. Immediately I am pulled into a hug.

"What happened to you last night?" Abbie's words were coated in full worry.


We, the girls and I, are now siting in Rebecca's room. We have just arrived back from a little cafe that's located downtown. While we were there I explained to them what happened last night. All of them were completely stunned but, in different ways. Rebecca was going on about my savor being Jason. Bailey was stating that the thing could have gone totally wrong. While Abbie was suck in between both the statements. She reminds me so much of Sammy.

The time was already four o'clock and we needed to be ready at six. At this moment we were just sitting on Rebecca's bed planning what we were going to do with our hair. I preferred to wear mine straight and down over my shoulders. But, Rebecca had a different idea for me.

"I don't know if I should trust you with a curling iron." I say with sarcastic fear.

Everyone lets out a light chuckle. Then, Rebecca states, "Don't worry, I will try my best not to burn your precious skin."

"That's all I ask for." I laugh at my reply as I sit down on a fancy stool that is placed in front of her vanity.

She takes the burning hot iron and places some of my hair onto it. After she gently twists it annd pulls it away from my head. I see an elegant curl appear.


Two hours pass and we all are ready to go. My hair is placed in small wavy curls, like the way the beach's salty water always seems to make happen. My outfit is made up of my new neon pink bikini, the white tank top, a pair of denim shorts, and a thin grey hooded jacket. For my shoes, I just choose a plain pair of black flip flops.

Right now we are waiting for the location of the bonfire to be texted out. Abbie and I are sitting on the couch in Rebecca's room. Bailey is reading in the corner on her iPod while Rebecca is on her phone asking everyone and anyone if they got the location. It is already a little pass six and the message should have been out.

Once I notice my left foot falling asleep, I walk it off and step out onto Rebecca's balcony. I see tons of students roaming the courtyard with towels, coolers, beach bags, and other beach related objects in their hands. I sigh thinking that we were probably being avoided by everyone so we didn't show up. That really started to bother me.

I sigh and look out at everyone roaming around. Suddenly, I feel my phone vibrate. Within seconds the cellular device is in my hand and trying to receive the message. As the message is loaded I read:

'Sapphire Street. Follow the yellow cation tape ties. Bring your friends and I hope to see you there Juliet. -Jason'

I smile at the message. He must have known that Rachel would not have sent us an address.

Storming into Rebecca's dorm, I read them the message out loud, we grab our stuff, text the boys the location, and head out the door. This party is going to be a blast. I just hope nothing bad happens. But, when does anything ever go my way?


I'm sorry if its a little boring, but it was needed.

Question of the Chapter:

What is something that makes you smile? A person, a thing, a place? Why?

Picture of the Chapter:

A poem I really like! :) <3

Please know that I am an author who wants to be there for my fans. I will take any critisism, awnser any questions, and be there if you just need someone to talk to. All I ask in return is for you to enjoy my story, and your life.

Peace out, Nerds!

:) <3

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