Chapter 23

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*Juliet POV*

I walk back to my room in a slight daze as I set my guitar in the spare room. After it is safely placed on the stand, I lay down on my comfy bed. I allow the soft fabric around swallow me whole as I feel my eyelids getting heavy. My mind was wandering with nothing coming clear in my head. Before I was able to fall asleep, my phone vibrated from my pocket.

"Hello?" I answer I little disappointed from being interrupted.

But once I heard Abbie's joyful voice, I tried to ignore what I heard from Jason's phone and the words that came out of his mouth. "Where the heck are you? I went to the music room and Jason said that you just left."

"I'm in my room." I paused realizing that she wasn't allowed in the guys' dorm. "I'll meet you in the front office."

She agreed to my idea and hung up. I grabbed my wallet and stuck it in my back pocket. I was never the type of girl to carry a purse. If I did, it would end up forgotten on a lone shelf in the mall. Though, that only happened twice.

As I arrived in the front office I saw Abbie's goofy smile form when she spotted me. The next thing I know, I was being dragged by my in the direction of a taxi that was already waiting for us outside.

"Are you ready to go shopping in the wonderful city of London?" Abbie asked with so much excitement, I thought she was going to explode.

My response was interrupted by the taxi driver's voice. "Where are we heading to ladies?"

Abbie clapped her hands together before saying, "London Square."


We have been shopping for a little over an hour, and we were still left empty handed. After going to five stores that had nothing in our size, our style, or our price range, we were stumped. I never knew it would be this hard to find a single outfit for one day. I mean they didn't even have a decent place to buy a bathing suit.

All of a sudden I heard a loud gasp and felt my hand being dragged into a bright white clothing store. I looked around to see rows and shelves filled with various clothing pieces. Abbie still had a firm grasp on my hand as she dragged me into the back left corner.

"I have no idea why I didn't think about coming here first." She stopped in front of a rack of colorful bathing suits. "I should have known they had some summer stuff left out from the previous season."

I groaned and smacked a hand on my head. "Are you serious Abs? We have been to five other stores that were completely useless. When we could have come here and got our stuff and be done already?"

"Well, I'm sorry I forgot. At least we got to have some shopping time together." Abbie replied as she held up a bright purple matching bathing suit. "Oh, I love this one. I'm buying it!"

I looked through the pile as Abbie was finding her size. Thankfully I came across a neon pink bikini top with white straps and a little white bow in the center of the top. The bottoms were the same pink with white ties on the side. I looked at the price tag to find it was in my price range and it was also my size.

"I like that one. You should get it." Abbie said as she grabbed my hand and walked over to the shorts and tank tops.

"I think I will." I smiled as we searched through the summer clothing in front of us. "So, are you excited about the bonfire? It must be fun since everyone has been talking about it."

"It's a complete blast. I just hope we are able to attend. Rachel's hate for us is growing so I'm not sure how long we will last there. She might kick us out before we are even on the beach for five seconds."

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