Chapter 26

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I examined the tall New York buildings for one last time as the tour bus attempted to escape New York City's traffic. The whole bus was quiet, giving me time to examine the beautiful architecture around me. Performing in front of the huge crowd was probably the most terrifying experience of my life. However, Adam's eyes on mine the whole time got me through it. 

Manhattan's residents rushed up and down the night streets. I wondered how so many people could be out at eleven at night. They all walked with a brisk pace, one man in a business suit even riding on a bike. I curled my legs closer to my body, and continued examining the building next to me as the bus moved forward a few more feet. 

I looked at Adam. His laptop was open, a large pair of headphones covering his ears as he rapidly pushed buttons. Breanne and Jasper also had their laptops opened, each of them with professional looking headphones on as well. Daniel was laying on one of the beds in the back, snoring away. Steve was messing with something on his phone. 

I turned my attention back out the window, plugging my own standard apple ear buds into my phone. Adam's voice filled my ears, Angels playing with a smooth constancy. 

"Living close to the ground, it's seventh heaven 'cause there are angels all around."

The lyrics have always intrigued me, and I had always wanted to ask Adam about them. However, I never did. I looked towards my boyfriend. His face was scrunched up in thought as he continued rapidly typing away. I decided not to bother him.

Suddenly, an ear bud was removed from one ear. I looked to see Steve sitting right next to me, putting the music in his own ear. He sent me a smile. Steve and I hadn't ever really talked much, so the gesture was a tad bit strange. I knew, though, that he was just being friendly.

He didn't break the silence of the tour bus, but rather settled next to me, listening along as the song switched to Butterfly Wings. He rested his head on the window, looking outside as we passed through the toll leading out of the city. 

Suddenly, traffic picked up. We were no longer in New York, but rather passing through New Jersey. I never imagined that after prison I'd be traveling across the country. But it was really happening. 

After about another hour of silence, Steve had fallen asleep next to me, my music still playing in his ear. I glanced around to see everyone else asleep as well, including Adam. I smiled. His mouth was open slightly, and his headphones had fallen off. Just then, my phone died, abruptly cutting of the supply of music. I pulled the ear bud out and sighed. I was never able to sleep in a car as a kid. A large noisy bus was even worse. 

I pulled myself to a standing position, and stretched my body. I walked to Adam, sitting next to him. Carefully, not wanting to wake him, I took his laptop and headphones. I was curious as to what he was working on.

After getting the computer out of sleep mode, a music file opened itself up. I still had yet to know what all the bars meant, but I was intelligent to know that the triangle meant play. I took his headphones from his chest, which caused him to stir slightly in his sleep. His head found its way to my shoulder, and he contently settled down. I smiled, and pulled the headphones onto my own ears.

Pushing the play button caused music to ring into my ears. I smiled, never failing to love Adam's style. It flowed easily, making me rest my own head on the headrest and closing my eyes. It didn't have any lyrics yet, but even without it would sound perfect. I sat up quickly. Maybe I could pass time by actually trying to write a song. Or even a poem. It could be a start. I opened up the note pad to begin writing. 

I closed my eyes again, listening to the song on loop, trying to figure out the message that the different tones could convey. It made me feel like I was flying. I had always wished I could fly away, escape reality, escape life. The danger I was in with Owen on the loose came to mind, and my eyes popped open. I began writing, quickly. Rapidly. I finished the song in an hour flat. The clock read 1:21. I looked up from my dream filled world to find everyone else still fast asleep. A sneaky smile settled on my face, and I looked back to the computer. 

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