As luck would have it (bondi rescue fanfic)

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Jorja Trini

Blue eyes, brown long hair, 22, works at a shop, part time lifeguard at beaches and pool, dreams of going to bondi beach, big crush on jesse polock

I don't own the lifeguards or anything mentioned in this story.

I also apologise for the horrificness of the first few chapters.... it does get better! I was only 15 when I wrote this story so that explains a lot!

also I highly doubt Jesse acts like this in real life....... but if he does he got a million times hotter :P


*Jorja POV*

I had always been a big fan of the show Bondi rescue, I would rush home from work to catch it on tv every time it was on, I think I knew more about bondi than I did about my own home to be honest! I live in the uk so we have to wait for the series to come out later than Australian people, but I was regularly on youtube trying to find any new episodes I could, and would often have bondi rescue marathon sessions.... yep I'm that cool.

I was lucky enough to be a lifeguard part time at a beach that was close to me, so I knew how hard the work could be. However at my beach there was 100 people, at Bondi 40,000. But It had always been my dream to go to bondi one day and meet the boys, maybe even work there, but I knew that would never happen, things like that just don't happen to me.

One day I had just finished watching series 8 of bondi rescue on youtube when a video came up for Maxi and Jesse's The Ride East Coast, I had always had a bit of a crush on Jesse so I eagerly watched the clip.

When the video ended I felt so inspired by what they were doing, I went onto the website and realised that prizes were being given out to those who donated the most, the top prize was a lifeguarding experience and meals with maxi and jesse!. that was when I realised I had to raise money, it was for a amazing cause and even better there was a slim chance of maybe meeting them.

*2 months later*

I had finally done it, I'd raised £10,000, I had done fun runs, sponsored activities and I'd been round work collecting, it had been hard but worth it.

I entered the money onto the website and I immediately got a email through thanking me for the donation and telling me I had been entered to the competition,now came the wait, the wait to see if I had won.

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