"Owe you for what?" Daniel shot back, eyes narrowing. 

"For babysitting you?" Adam suggested. 

"Guys, seriously, I think we're scaring Maddie," Breanne said, quieting all the guys down.

I chuckled, and shook my head at the group. It was obvious that they all got along well. 

"Yeah, let's just sit," Steve offered, each of us grabbing a chair at the kitchen table. 

"So Maddie, are you into music?" Jasper asked, popping open a can of Coke.

I nodded. "Yeah, I play guitar a little," I admitted shyly.

Adam snorted. "A little? Trust me, guys, she's like a guitar goddess. She can play just about anything she puts her mind to. And she sings. Her voice is beautiful, and high, like Breanne's."

I blushed. "Sh-shut up," I stammered.

Breanne smiled at me. "Is she going to join us?" she asked.

"Yeah!" Daniel pipped in. "Imagine how cool we would sound with two background female voices, and two guitars! And then I can pick on her whenever I want!"

"Guys, I think she's too scared of us," Steve joked. "You really think she would even want to tour with us?"

"Yeah, when are you guys touring next?" I asked, the thought just entering into my head. 

"We're not doing any official tours for a while, but we have a few gigs here and there coming up," Jasper informed me. He pulled out his phone and scrolled down on a few things. "In fact, we're playing in New York City in two weeks."

I looked at Adam fearfully. What would I do without him? What if Owen came back? What if he found me? I wouldn't have Adam to protect me. Adam looked at me, and it was almost as if he could read exactly what i was thinking at that moment. 

"Don't worry, Maddie will be joining us. She's in danger alone. I'm not leaving her," Adam stated firmly.

Breanne's eyebrows furrowed together. "Danger? What sort of danger?"

I looked down sheepishly. "A crazy ex who tried to kill me in the past, somehow got off the hook, and is now on the loose."

Jasper gasped, and Daniel jumped to his feet. He sprinted to my chair and wrapped his arms around me. "I'll save you, Maddie. No crazy ex is touching you. Ever. You're mine."

I laughed, and tried to wriggle away, but his grip tightened. 

"Actually," Adam said, "Maddie belongs to me." He pulled at Daniel's arm, but Daniel persisted. 

"No! Mine!" He snapped, squeezing tighter than I thought humanly possible. Suddenly, breathing became a difficult task, and I squirmed even more. 

"Well don't kill the poor girl," Steve exclaimed, rushing to Daniel and wrestling him away. As soon as the pressure was released from my lungs, I breathed in a huge gasp of air. I panted for a few seconds before realizing everyone's eyes were on me. I grinned shyly. "It's all good," I confirmed. 

Adam rolled his eyes. "Anyway.. yeah, Maddie will be coming with us. Wherever we go."

"Wait, so is this the girl you saved when she jumped from the burning building?" Breanne asked, leaning forward on the table excitedly.

Adam blushed. "Well... yeah, that would be Maddie."

"And that would be my crazy ex who set fire to my apartment," I scoffed.

A large smile plastered itself on Breanne's face. "That's adorable! I told you that you would end up with that girl!" 

Adam's blush turned deeper. Jasper chuckled. "Adam, why do you always blush when we talk about a girl?"

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