After years of going to different therapists and doing several types of therapy (that never worked), at the age of 14, I finally learned what I was experiencing.

For two entire years I couldn't put my finger on it. But it was because of a video that a YouTuber uploaded, when I realised. She has multiple videos of that topic but it's the one from 2012.

I realised that I experienced several same symptoms as she did. The way she described it, was EXACTLY how I felt. From that moment on I knew I wasn't the only one and could finally say I am not crazy.

In secondary school I was also bullied but not as severly as in 6th Grade/Year 6. I ditched a few times because of it, though.

I want to share this story because I want bullies to know what the consequences of their actions can be.

These are a couple of things I deal with NOW because I was bullied THEN:

-Anxiety & Panic attacks


-Trust issues

-Feeling unsafe

-Not being confident

-Social Anxiety



-Jumping to Conclusions

-Not handle criticism well

I hope this helps people see that it is NOT okay to bully.

To my fellow victims, I've read a few of the stories in BULLIED already and they make me so sad and angry. Bullying should be taboo! It should be a law that bullying is FORBIDDEN.

I just want people to know that suicide is not the answer and that you are strong for fighting back. (figuratively, not literally)

Please tell someone about your struggle, I'm sure they want to help you. This could be a parent, guardian, teacher, friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, co-worker etc.

You can't carry the weight of the world on your own. Sometimes you need a little help from someone who appreciates (/loves) you.

Lots of love & Take Care,


Q :What type of bullying did you experience (cyberbullying, teasing, name calling, physical altercations, etc)?

A : I experienced all of the above and being counted out, being bullied by my teacher & being embarassed by my classmates & teacher

Q : How old were you when the bullying started?

A : I was 4 years old

Q : Who bullied you?

A: Several classmates, kids from the years above me & in the end, even my teacher

Q: How did you feel when you were being bullied?

A: Anxious, scared, alone, lonely, confused as though why people were bullying me

Q: How did you feel after being bullied?

A: Extremely anxious, secluded, lonely, depressed & suicidal

Q: Have you ever contemplated suicide as a result of being bullied?

A: Yes

Q: Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied?

A: When I was 12 I FINALLY told my parents & grandparents

Q: Why? Why not?

A: Because I thought maybe they could help me

Q: How long were you bullied for?

A: 12 years

Q: Are you still being bullied?

A: No

Q: Was there anything that distracted you from the bullying/the pain/the sadness you felt inside?

A: Music, Poems & Books.

Q: What's something that you learned from your bullying experience?

A: That suicide is never the answer. That I am a strong person for not giving up on myself and making it through. That if you change negative thoughts into positive thoughs, things will be okay. 

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