I snapped myself out of it and nodded stiffly. "Yea... could I just um... get a uh... an order of fries?"

The screams outside of the booth picked up and boomed in my ears. The music was almost completely drowned out by the unmanageable crowd. It was histerical.

"That's great," i said. "You can't even hear them."

"I know right? Hey uh... do you wanna get out of here. Maybe go for a walk? This may sound kind of strange, but I've been thinking about you a lot lately."

Instead of blushing, I thought twice about this. Usually if something seemed too good to be true....

"Sure," I said.

We navigated the crowd and left through the gate.


Lionel walked with me down the street. I felt awkward and far too stunned to say a thing. 'He likes me' I thought. 'He actually likes me.'

Suddenly, he took a turn down an alley. "Here," he said. There's something I want to show you on the other side of these buildings."

I blushed. "Uh, okay."

He actually took my hand in his as he walked me down the dark alley. Rain dripped of the side of the buildings and onto my head. I felt so happy I could've cried. It wasn't until a second too late that I realized what he was up to.

He forcefully pushed my up against the wall, not twenty feet from the street. I tried to force out a scream, but he lifted a knife to my throat.

"Now listen close, emo," he hissed in my ear. "Not one peep, got it?" When I didn't respond right away he punched my jaw. I bit my lip so hard that blood started gushing out. How could this be happening? LIONEL my dream boy was attacking me.

"Be a good girl now and show me that pretty little tattoo of yours. Huh babe? I've heard about your little... secret." He shoved me against the wall again, causing a headache to split into my skull. "Slut." He spat at my shoes. And he pressed his foul lips against mine.

I slapped him across the face and he threw me down on the ground. My head smacked against the pavement.

"STOP IT!" I yelled. "LIONEL!"

Instead of leaving me alone he laughed at me and kicked my chest. I could barely breathe.

"So are you denying that you were an eleven year old Slut?" He kicked me again in my rib cage. "You bitch."

His body crashed down over mine and he pressed his lips sloppily against my mouth. I bit his cheek as hard as I could and broke the skin. He recoiled and swore repeatedly. "You're going to pay for that." He stabbed my shoulder with his knife and knocked my head against the pavement again. I began slipping out of consciousness.

He used the knife to cut free my shirt from my body.

Soon enough I was lying on the wet ground in nothing but my bra, tights, and underwear. I continued to scream for help, but the more i did, the more he punched, kicked, and slapped me. Black spots danced in my eyes. I let out one final scream, praying that SOMEONE would hear me. More time passed, and no one came. I was growing weak. Lionel laughed at me. "You're pathetic. Just look at all this blood on your shoulder." He stood up and started to unzip his pants.

"HEY! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Suddenly, Lionel looked up and bolted in the opposite direction of the voice. I coughed and rolled to my side. My world moved in alarming ways and my eyelids were closing. Sharp pains sliced into my skull and I felt as if my head would explode. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw a pair of gorgeous ocean blue eyes staring back at me. When he spoke, his tone was frantic and he had a British accent. "Oh my god... are you okay? Can you hear me? Hello!"

The last thing I remember was being lifted up into his muscular arms. His body was warm against mine. I think I remember smiling before I lost consciousness.

When I'm In His ArmsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora