Chapter 92

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"Babe, just relax your arm and talk to me." Cam said holding my free hand.

"Okay. What do we talk about?" I asked nervously.

"Have you told Bart what you decided?" Cam asked.

"No I haven't. I keep telling myself I have to call him, but I always manage to forget. If I do it, do you promise to go with me?" I asked.

I felt a little pinch on my arm. I twitched, but relaxed my arm again.

"Yes, if you go, I'll go with you. I would never let you do this alone Y/n. This is a new chapter in your life, and I wanna be part of it from the very beginning, so that once you're performing in sold out arenas and stadiums I can be backstage bragging to everyone that I'm your friend and that I've know you and have been there with you since day one." Cam smiled wide.

"Thank you Cam. I feel like I would of never been discovered if it wasn't for you. If it wasn't for that fan that was on YOUR tour backstage & recorded me, nobody would know who I am right now. Thank you very much." I smiled and gave his hand a light squeeze.

"Alright, you're all done Y/n. Mr. Walker, well let you know when the results are in. Which should be next week I assume." The nurse smiled.

"Wait, I'm done? Really?" I asked confused.

"Yes ma'am. You were pretty relaxed, so we had no problem at all." The nurse smiled while opening the door for us.

I smiled and grabbed Cam's hoodie. Cam got my purse and we walked out.

"Well that's all I need from you Y/N. You're free to go. Thanks for cooperating & not making this difficult. I've read about you past.. "experiences" with hospitals, needles and strangers, and well to be honest, they weren't that pretty. So thank you. Have a wonderful day. Oh and, Cam I believe you're name was, make sure she gets something to eat right now." Mr. Walker said to us.

"No problem." I giggled.

"Will do sir." Cam smiled as he shook his hand.

Mr. Walker went to talk to the receptionist and we walked back to the lobby. Matt was on his phone.

"Matt, let's go bro. She's done." Cam called out to Matt.

"That was fast. I was expecting them to have to call security or something, this one's a feisty one." Matt teased.

I rolled my eyes an smiled.

"Nah, she was pretty chill the whole time. She just twitched like one time and that was it." Cam smiled hugging me.

"I'm proud of you Y/n." Matt said to me.

"Thanks Mattchu." I smiled.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now