Chapter 50

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Hey, this Bianca chick, she's not going to be there tomorrow right?


I don't know. But I hope she isn't there... But if she does go, I allow you to kill her 😂 I love you Andrea 😘


Had a blast at yours today. I love Nattie! She's awesome. Sorry for the little misunderstanding earlier. But then again it helped prove you really love me.


Good night my beautiful Mrs. Reynolds 😘 can't wait to see you tomorrow! We're finally gonna perform together 😍 I love you so much💋 good night baby girl ❤️💕


Baby, I left my binder on your table. Bring it to me tomorrow?


Hey is Cam okay? The guys said he got a phone call and he ran up to your room... Is he still there?


Babe are you okay? Please answer me! I'm worried..


I'm glad you came over and had a good time. And Carter I swear if you ever do that to me again, I'm telling Andrea. And she'll kick your ass. And of course I love you silly! And yes I'll go get your binder and put it in my backpack right now. Yes, Cam is fine, but I'm going to have a little talk with Bianca on Monday. Yes he's still here. He's spending the night. Im going with him to yours tomorrow so I told him to stay. Baby I'm fine, don't worry. I love you to the moon and back times a million 😘😍💋 good night Mr. Reynolds I love you so much!!


Good 😜 👊 I love you too y/n! Good night


Night babe😘


Babe you scared me! Why didn't you reply earlier!?


Sorry I was talking with Cam, and I still have my phone on silent from school. But I'm 100% okay I promise. I love you. 😘


Okay baby girl 😊 good night, see you tomorrow. Hey, Cam better be sleeping in the guest room. 😱


Good night babe and yes he is don't worry.

Cam looked at his phone and then at me.

"Did you text Bianca?" He asked confused.

"No, I texted Andrea and Carter. I have a text i still haven't checked...  I don't even have her number..Why?" I said showing him my recent texts.

"Look." He said handing me his phone. It was a text from Bianca, my jaw dropped.

It said...

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now