chapter V

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* lia's pov *

i finally found the outfit, it was a white v neck crop top, jean shorts, and white converse.

i checked my phone. it was at 79%.

there was a new text, which caused my heart to race.

i checked it, hoping it was from cam, but it wasn't, it was just nattie.

[ mom: ]

lia! hurry up! it's 6 already, and you hair and make up will take about 45 minutes!

i exhaled, and replied.

[ lia: ]

nattie calm down, i'm done and on my way to your room. plus it's 5:46, not 6 lol

i walked into her room and headed straight to her "relaxing chair" as she calls it.

"okay, relax, and close your eyes." nattie said to me.

after like 45 or 50 minutes she woke me up.

yes, i fell asleep.. what can i say, it was relaxing!

okay i swear she pulled out a magic wand out of somewhere! i sat down looking like a natural mess and when she let me see myself...

not to brag or anything but, i looked hot!

"soooo? what do you think?" nattie asked, eagerly.

"nattie, what the fuck!? i look gorgeous! thank you so much! honestly, i vote for you to open up your own salon now." i said happily.

"aww, i'm so happy you liked it! i wasn't sure how to fix your hair, and then i decided that straighten hair would look cute with your outfit. and since your eyes are a beautiful brownish hazel color, i went with a little brown on the corners and some mascara as well as a little eyeliner." nattie explained while i drooled over myself in the mirror.

"thank you so much! what time is it?" i asked nervously.

"it's 6:37. carter should be here any minute now." nattie said excitedly.

"okay, i'm going to go fix my purse. if he knocks, let him in. i'll be down in 5 okay?" i told her.

"sounds good." nattie smiled.

i walked out of her room and headed to mine.

i heard a noise come from my room.

i freaked out a little so i predailed 91 just waiting for something to happen to add the last 1 and call.

i walked in and saw cam sitting on my bed.

"cam!" i shouted as i ran up to him and hugged him, closing the door behind me.

i didn't want to let go. he hugged me back. we hugged for a good 2 minutes or so. i tried not to cry so i wouldn't mess up my beautiful make up. finally we let go of each other.

"wow lia! you look gorgeous!" cam said with watery eyes.

"thanks cam. what's wrong.. are you okay..? why are you crying?" i asked.

"wait, so you rather ask how i am, than argue about why i kissed you earlier or why i wouldn't answer my phone?" he asked a little relieved and confused.

"cam, i love you, and you know that. we grew up together, i know you pretty well. i've seen you cry before, but this time it's different. your eyes look sad.. empty.. i don't know.. lonely? please tell me what's wrong." i said on the verge of tears just by looking at cam.

* cam's pov*

cam what are you doing! stop crying! don't mess this up for her. just tell her the truth about what happened at home today, and then let her go. not just with carter, but let her go.. forever. hold your feelings in, just like you have for the past 6 months..

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now