Chapter 106

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Far left: Carter and Nessa at Malibu

Middle top: The pose a fan asked Kian and Y/n to do to take a picture at Veggie Grill.

Far right: Dylan O'Brien, for those of you who may not know who he is or what he looks like :)

Bottom: Y/n and Kian underwater at the beach. ( I know it's Andrea but just pretend it's y/n 😋 )

                              * Kian's POV *

                             * 2 weeks later *

"Are we going to school tomorrow?" I asked Y/n as I walked into her bathroom to wash my hands.

"Well we don't exactly HAVE to, it's just for the last day of rehearsals since we graduate tomorrow night." She said as she brushed her hair.

"I don't want to gooooo.." I whined.

"Let's ditch!" I offered trying to get a reaction out of Y/n, but knowing that she'd say No, cause she's a goody two shoes.

"Let's do it!" She smiled at me.

"Wait.? Really!?" I asked again shocked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I got everything down and won't mess up at the graduation, so let's ditch. What should we do instead?" She asked excitedly as she sat on the bed.

"Whatever you want. Cam won't be back until tomorrow afternoon correct?" I ask.

"Correct. Somehow they managed to delete 5 whole scenes, so he had to go back and redo them all." She frowned.

"Okay well, we can go shopping, or bowling, or to the movies. Whatever you feel like doing, but JUST us two. I feel like we haven't had any one on one time in a while." I say as I look down at my hands.

"Yeah, that's true. Hey you know what we should do?" She asked with excitement laced to her question.

"What?" I ask.

"We should go to Malibu and just have a day out at the beach!" She smiled widely.

"Sounds like a plan." I laugh.

There's a knock on the front door and Y/n got up to open it.

"Post mates for Kian Lawley?" Asked the young guy.

"Yeah, how much was it? Oh please, come on in, how rude of me." Says Y/n as I walk out of the room and get my wallet out ready to pay.

"Wow, you have a beautiful smile." The guy says out loud causing Y/n to blush.

"Hey man. How much was it again?" I ask a little annoyed.

"Oh, it was $21.64." He says to me as he stops staring at Y/n for a brief 3 seconds.

I grab a twenty and a ten and tell him to keep the change.

"May I ask you something?" The guy asks Y/n.

"Sure." She smiles and I get closer to her.

"Have we met before? I feel like I know you from somewhere." He smiles and causes Y/n to blush again.

"I don't believe so. But I am a youtuber and  singer and I'm going on tour soon, so you probably saw a sign with my face on it or something." She explains.

"Yeah! That's where! You're the singer that just came out with the new single 'I wonder if' am I right!?" The guy basically jumps up and down.

"Yup, that's me." Y/n giggles.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ