Chapter 93

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We got in the car and drove to TacoBell. I got a cheese quesadilla, and the boys got tacos.

"So are we meeting Bianca, or are we driving home..?" Cam asked as we pulled out of the drive thru.

"Yes, we're meeting Carter and Bianca at the mall." I said while unwrapping a taco for Cam.

"Got it. Thanks babe." He said as I handed him the taco.

I ate half of my quesadilla and felt full, so I stopped eating. Matt got the aux cord and played Revolution by Diplo. I basically spaced out for a while, just thinking about touring, and having to leave Nattie. It was overwhelming, but I had made my decision.

I got my phone and called Bart, I turned down the music a little.

"Y/n, how are you." Bart greeted.

"I'm good Bart, and yourself?" I replied.

"I'm great. Currently planning and setting up some dates for the second tour & international tour." Bart said.

"Yeah, about that.. I decided that.. I'm in. I wanna do it." I smiled wide.

"That's great Y/n! Wow this is perfect! I will start announcing that you have been added to the tour. You have no idea how many people have tweeted me to add you to our tours and meet and greets. Trust me babe, you're gonna be a huge hit! Just have an original or a couple covers ready for the first stop which is in July." Bart replied with joy.

"Sounds great. I actually have something I'm currently working on." I admitted.

"Oh! You know who would be a good person to collab with? Madison Beer! Her career is just taking off as well, and she would be a great help for you. I'll talk to her manager and see if we can get you guys together to discuss some stuff." Bart said as he typed something into his laptop.

"That's perfect. We'll keep in touch Bart." I said excitedly.

"For sure." He said as he hung up.

"I did it. I told him." I smiled to Cam.

"That's great babe. This is going to be really fun, I already know." He laughed.

"There's a spot right there." Matt called out form the back seat.

Cam parked and we got out of the car. I put on Cam's hoodie and we walked into the mall.

Me 📲

Babe, we're here. What store are you guys in?

Carter 📱

I'm so glad you're here! Bianca, Andrea and I have found a couple cute bikinis we think you'll like. We're in.. Umm.. Well I didn't check the name of the store, but there's just a bunch of bras and underwear..

I giggled a little and then replied with a smile.

Me 📲

We'll meet you at Victoria's Secret in a bit 😂😘

Carter 📱

Okay hurry babe, I wanna kiss you already😍😘

I just smiled, I was gonna put my phone in my purse but noticed I had left it in the car. So I just put it in my pocket.

"Where are they?" Matt asked.

"Victoria's Secret." I said.

"Wow, knowing Carter, he probably checked out every girl in there, INCLUDING the manikins." He laughed.

I couldn't help but giggle a little.

"Well, if he ever checks someone out or cheats on me.. That'll be the LAST time he'll EVER see me again." I warned partially joking.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now