chapter II

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* lia's pov *

"oh yeah? what did you wanna talk about?" i asked carter.

he looked at cam, and with that, cam backed away.

"hey, do you want me to wait for you or nah?" cam asked me.

"yes please. it'll just be a minute." i reassured.

"okay i'll wait for you at the bench." cam said, walking away.

"okay." i smiled.

"listen, lia, we've been hanging out a lot lately, and it made me realize what an awesome girl you are." carter started off.

"aww, thank you carter. and i know, hanging out with you guys has been amazing!" i blushed.

"so, i wanted to know if.." carter went on, hesitating.

"if what?" i asked, curiously, while playing with my hair.

"if you wanted to go watch a movie and have dinner tonight? you don't have to.. i mean.. i'd be honored if you said yes.. but you don't have to.. it's up to you.. i'm going to stop talking now.." carter blurted out, anxiously.

"aww carter! that was the cutes thing ever! of course i would! who else is going?" i asked, cluelessly.

"that's the thing, it'd only be us two. kinda like a date. umm.. do you still want to go?" carter explained.

wait! carter is asking me out on a date? i thought he meant all of us.

i turned to look over at cam. he seemed unfazed, emotionless. like this didn't bother him..

maybe i should say yes. that way i'll forget what happened earlier today with cam. he has a lot of girl fans and a bunch of girls that like him. and to be honest, he probably likes one of them too. he only sees me as his best friend or his sister.. that's all i'll ever be to him..

"of course i still want to go carter!" i smiled and hugged him.

"thank god! i thought you were going to say no." carter chuckled nervously.

"why would i say no? i'd love to go out with you tonight." i blushed.

"i'm honestly so happy right now! umm i'll pick you up at 7?" carter asked.

"yeah sounds perfect! i'll be waiting." i smiled.

"okay. i'll be there. can't wait." carter stuttered.

"me either." i blushed.

it was so cute how excited he was.

"hey, do you want a ride home?" carter offered, before walking away.

"oh no, it's fine. i'm walking home with cam. it's like a tradition we've had since we were little. we both have cars, but we always walk to and from school together." i explained.

"oh okay. i'll see you later then." carter smiled, leaning in and hugging me.

"see you later." i waved.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora