Chapter 41

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"Good option. I've watched this show like 5 times now. I love it." I said sitting on the floor next to Nessie's feet.

Nessie smiled at me, then Nattie started up Netflix. Johnson and Gilinsky served the pizza, while Hayes and Taylor served the sodas. Aaron and Shawn went around passing the ranch and dipping sauces. We sat down, ate and watched half of the first season.

"What time is it y/n?" Asked Carter.

"Umm, 6:38. Why babe?" I asked.

"Sammy said they were getting here at 7:30 so we should go get them now. Don't you think?" He asked as we got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Yes. I promised Andrea I'd go with you to pick them up. Wanna take Nessie so she meets them and then we ask her dad about tomorrow?" I suggested.

"Works out perfectly. Hey! One more thing..." Said Carter looking down.

"What babe?" I said looking at him concerned.

"I have a confession to make.." He said still looking down and biting his lip.

"Carter, you're scaring me. What happened?" I asked him holding onto the counter top.

"Well, after one day of us dating, I realized I don't like you.." He said quietly.

My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach. Everything was spinning in circles. I couldn't believe what he just said. I felt my heart ache. I was speechless. I felt breathless. I couldn't function! I felt my eyes get watery. I had that tickling feeling in my nose that you get when you're about to cry.

"Is it something I did or said..." I asked quietly, looking up at the ceiling so the tears wouldn't roll down my cheeks.

"It's everything you did and said that made me realize that I didn't like you.." He said softly.

"Well I'm sorry then Carter.." I said as I ran out of the kitchen and upstairs to my room.

"Y/n wait! I wasn't done!" I heard Carter call out from downstairs.

I ignored him and went to my room and started crying. I heard everyone talking downstairs then Carter walked in the room and close the door behind him. I wiped my tears away but didn't look up.

"Y/n, I wasn't done. What I meant to say before you ran off, is that everything you say and do made me realize that I don't like you, and made me realize that I love you so much! I can't think of you and me being apart. And it hurts to realize that you can do so much better. You can date someone hotter, smarter, or cooler than me. And I.. I could never replace you.." Said Carter looking at me.

I finally looked up, walked over to Carter and hugged him for the longest time.

"Carter, you're NOT going to lose me! EVER! And I love you so much as well! I thought of we're breaking up with me! My heart broke into a million pieces... I couldn't replace you even if I wanted to! You're the one I want to be with. Unconditionally! I thought you were going to leave me for Bianca.." I said still hugging him.

"I love you y/n! I love you so much! I'd never leave you, much less for Bianca!" He said hugging me tighter.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Promise." He assured.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now