Chapter 34

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The bell rang and Carter and I showed her to her 3rd period class. We walked in and introduced her to the teacher. Then Hayes came up to us.

"Hey guys, hi Nessie. I didn't know you came to this school." Hayes said happily.

"It's my first day today." She said nervously, hugging her binder.

"She has the same schedule as you Hayes." Said Carter showing him her schedule.

"Cool! We're gonna be great friends. I already know." Said Hayes smiling at her.

"You think so? Don't you have better friends to hangout with than me..?" She mumbled.

"None of them are as cool and original as you Ness." He said giving her a side hug.

"Take care of her for me. We'll see you guys at lunch." I said as Carter and I walked out.

"Okay, love you bae." Said Hayes.

"Bye y/n! And thanks for helping me out." Waved Nessie.

"No problem babe. See you at lunch." I wave back.

We walked over to our class and walked in. Cam and Matt were at the front of the class. They turned and looked at us, I just smiled and walked to my seat.

"Okay class, we have a new student. Most of you already know him due to him being part of Magcon, but for those of you who don't know him, this is Matthew." Introduced the teacher.

Same reaction from the girls in every class. I just smiled at him and he winked at me. He walked over to his seat next to Nash. After 40 boring minutes of history, class ended and we all headed to 4th period. Which I honestly loved. It was yearbook. That class had only 1 rule: HAVE FUN! We ate in that class, we massed around, we were on our phones, played pranks, and the best part, the teacher was part of it! She was amazing! Her name was Mrs. Garrett, but we all called her Mrs. G. She was truly Magcon's #1 fan! She had every social media app, and she followed us on every single one of them! She always cheered on the boys. Tweeted them "Good luck today. Have fun!" And stuff like that. In other words she was the shit! We walked into class, Carter held my hand. Cam, Matt, Carter and I walked to her little office she had in the class room.

"Hey Mrs. G! You have a new student." I said walking up to her and giving her a hug.

"Who is it?" She asked smiling.

Then Matt took a step forward.

"Hi ummm, Mrs. G?" He said shyly.

"The one and only, Matthew Espinosa." Cam smiled.

"Why hello Matt. I'm Mrs. Garrett, but as you heard y/n, everyone calls me Mrs. G. I'll add you to my roll. I'll let the couple show you what to do and train you." She smiled.

Carter and I looked at her shocked.

"Oh yes baby girl. I know about you and Carter young lady. I'm happy for you guys." She said joyful to us.

"But we haven't post it on any social media?" Said Carter shocked.

"You guys have fans remember?" Said Cam smiling.

"No, CARTER has fans. I don't." I said looking at everyone in the room nervously... I felt the room closing in on me.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now