Chapter 43

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"Hell yes! What song did you have in mind?" Asked Hayes pumped.

"Your favorite song actually. Bailando by Enrique Iglesias." I smiled.

"YES!! Let's practice!" Said Hayes jumping in his seat.

"Can I join?" Asked Carter.

"Yes babe, but we're singing the Spanish version." I said smiling.

"I'll sing the bridge." He smiled holding my hand.

"Okay, Hayes you start." I said Hyped.

"Yo te miro y se me corta la respiración! Cuando tu me miras se me sube el corazón. Y en el silencio tu mirada dice mil palabras. La noche que te suplico que no salga el sol..." Sang Hayes.

"Bailandoooo, Bailandoooo, tu cuerpo y el mio llenando el vacio subiendo y bajando. Bailandoooo, Bailandoooo, ese fuego por dentro me va enloqueciendo me va saturando." Sang Carter.

"Con tu física y tu química, también tu anatomía, la cerveza y el tequila, y tu boca con la mía, ya no puedo mas, ya no puedo mas. Con esta melodía, tu color tu fantasía, con tu filosofía mi cabeza está vacía ya no puedo mas ya no puedo mas." I sang along.

"Yo quiero estar contigo, vivir contigo, bailar contigo, tener contigo una noche loca. Ay besar tu boca. Yo quiero estar contigo, vivir contigo, bailar contigo, tener contigo una noche loca. Con tremenda notaaaaa! Ohhhhh, ohhhh!" We all sang together.

"Wow you guys sound GREAT! Specially you y/n." Said Nessie clapping.

"Thank you babe! And yeah we sound great! I don't think we'll be able to finish the whole song. That's good enough for now." I said smiling.

"Carter, I didn't know you had it in you man!" Said Hayes giving him a pat on the shoulder.

"What can I say, y/n isn't the only one with secret talents." He said winking at me.

"Wait, I didn't get a chance to ask who were picking up?" Asked Nessie.

"Oh, we're picking up our friends from the airport. You might know them? Sammy wilkinson, Andrea Russett and Kenny holland?" Said Hayes.

"WERE GOING TO GO GET SAMUEL WILKINSON!?" She asked in a high pitch scream.

"Yes we are and we're here by the way. Let me just park and we'll get off and go wait for them inside." Said Carter looking for a parking spot.

Nessa was literally bouncing off the walls. Carter finally found a spot and parked. I grabbed my phone and purse, while Nessie, Hayes and Carter got out of the car. We walked inside and it wasn't that long before we were noticed by fans.

"OH MY GOSH! ITS CARTER, Y/N, AND HAYES!!" Screamed a girl.

I looked at Carter and hugged him tightly. I was blushing so bad. I still wasn't use to being known by people. I didn't consider myself  famous but apparently to everyone I was. The girls rushed over to us with their phones out, I heard a bunch of clicks and automatically knew they were taking pictures.

"Y/n can you, Hayes and Carter sign my shirt? Wow I'm a huge fan! I love the Magcon boys, but I love your singing a lot too! I can't believe I finally get to meet you in person!" She shrieked as she handed me a marker.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя