Chapter 28

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"Okay. Well I'm ready, our books are by the door and Nattie is making breakfast, hurry get dressed." I said smiling.

He got up, took his clothes bag with him and changed in the bathroom. 2 minutes later he came out ready. We headed down stairs to the kitchen. Nattie had 3 plates served. They had eggs, 2 pancakes and Cam's had 3 slices of bacon.

"Good morning Nattie." Said Cam politely as he sat down.

"Good morning son." Nattie teased.

"You know what? From now on, me and y/n are gonna call you mom." He joked.

"Okay." I agreed.

"Hurry, I don't want you to be late to school children." Nattie laughed.

"Oh by the way mom, the boys are coming over after school. All of them. So you can meet them." I said as I got up to get orange juice for me and Cam.

"Okay maybe calling Nattie mom wasn't such a good idea. She's only 21, which is 4 years older than us." Cam laughed.

"True." I smiled as I came back with two cups of OJ.

"Oh my god. That's great! I'll bring some pizza over then." Said Nattie as she finished her eggs.

Cam and I nodded as we kept eating. Nattie finished first. Then she ran up to her room to change. Cam as I finished at the same time. I did the dishes while Cam went upstairs for our books. Nattie came down first.

"Okay I'm off to work. Bee good and don't get into trouble anymore. I've had enough of you getting into fights." Nattie warned with a serious tone.

"I'll make sure she's good. I promise mom." Said Cam smiling as he walked down the stairs.

"I won't get in trouble. At lease not this week. My arm hurts from the IV still." I laughed.

Nattie glared at me and finally laughed.

"Okay, but seriously don't get in anymore fights. I'll see you guys after school." Said Nattie as she gave us a hug.

"Bye mom." We both teased as she walked out the door.

I looked at the clock, it was 7:32.

"Let's go, I don't wanna be late. I can't get in trouble anymore." I said as I grabbed my bag and tried getting my books.

"Here, you carry your purse and I'll carry the books. We're going in my car. So I'm driving." Said Cam as he got the books and opened the door.

"Thanks babe." I smiled and walked out the door.

It was still raining. I ran to the car and got in. Cam walked around put the books in the trunk and got in.

"It's my turn to use the AUX cord." I bragged to Cam.

"Fine, but don't play girly music." He teased.

We drove to school listening to pandora on shuffle. We liked all Te songs that played. Cam parked and got our books. We ran to the school entrance and headed to our lockers.

"And that's her. My beautiful girlfriend." Said Carter to a bunch of people as I turned walked up to my locker and opened it.

"You told them already?" I teased.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now