Chapter 90

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"Good morning. Are you Y/n?" The man asked.

"Yes. I'm Y/n. This is Cameron, and this is Matt. They're close friends." I smiled.

"Well nice to meet you guys. Okay so we're gonna talk about some things you might consider personal so is it okay for them to be here and hear this?" The man asked.

"Yes. It's fine." I smiled sitting back down.

"Okay. Let's get started shall we?" He smiled sitting down as well.

"May I ask what were discussing?" Nattie asked.

"Yes. You see, once you adopt a child, you have to report to us ANY changes with the minor for the next 5 years after the adoption is processed. And here we have medical records that show that Y/n, the minor, was taken out of the local mall in an ambulance and hospitalized for a day. And you Miss Nathalie, DIDN'T report that to us. And now as a result, we have to take her with us to have test done on her to make sure she's okay. And if anything like this happens again before the 5 years is up, your custody over Y/n can and WILL be taken from you Miss Nathalie." The man explained.

My eyes widened. I HATE hospitals and needles and all those horrible things. And I also hated the thought of being taken away from Nattie. I looked at Cam. He looked down and held my hand. I felt a little better. I leaned against his chest and took deep breaths.

"I wasn't I informed that I had to report medical changes to you guys for 5 years. The woman who helped me said I only had to do that for the FIRST year. But if you guys want to have test done to her to be 100% sure she's fine, you'll have to ask her. It's her body the test will be done on. And no problem I will report every single change. Nothing like this will ever happen again." Nattie said with a serious tone.

The man nodded and then looked at me.

"Have you eaten anything today?" He asked me.

"I was about to, but then mom called and said I had to come home for a meeting." I said nervously.

"And may I ask were you were when Nathalie called you?" He asked looking at me and Nattie.

Nattie looked nervous. I don't think they knew I had a boyfriend. And even if they DID know. It'd sound pretty bad to an adult if I told him I spent the night at my boyfriend's house. So, I did what I do best. Lie.

"I was with Cameron and Matt. Since Matt just moved up here, Cam and I wanted to take him out for breakfast at Denny's and get caught up again." I smiled holding Cam's hand.

"That's sweet of you guys. Okay, so if you haven't eaten anything we might as well get this over with & take you to the clinic to have a blood test done to you. That's all we need, is a blood test." The man smiled packing up his papers again.

"Can Matt & Cameron come? I hate needles...." I asked nervously.

"Yes. You'll need someone to drive you back home." He smiled getting up.

"Okay. Then let's go." I said getting up and heading to the door.

Matt & Cam followed. The man said goodbye to Nattie and walked out to his car. We gave Nattie a hug and then went outside & got in the car. We followed the man to a nearby clinic. I texted Carter.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now