chapter IV

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* lia's pov *

"i'm so sorry lia.. i shouldn't of done that. i-i gotta go.." cam panicked.

and before i could even say a word, he was already gone.

what was that about? i mean, this morning was an accident. but this..?

i tried to call, text, and facetime cam but he didn't pick up. it sound like his phone is dead.

i checked the time, it was 2 pm. i tried to forget the kisses i shared with cam today.

i grabbed my bag and began doing my homework. once i was done, i checked the time again, it was now 4:27.

i was headed to the kitchen for a snack, when i notice it was getting really cold.

i looked around and finally noticed the open window across the living room. i walked to it and closed it.

i then grabbed an apple from the kitchen, when i heard someone at the front door, which i was almost 100% sure it was nathalie.

nathalie is my roommate, well, housemate, my best friend, and also like an older sister to me. and last but not least, she's my adoptive mom.

my mom passed away at my birth, and i was raised by my father until i was 15.

when i was 14, my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer, so we moved from iowa, down here to la to get him the treatment he needed.

he battled with cancer for about a year and a half, and then passed away as well..

so with both of my birth parents gone, i was set in a group home until someone was able to foster care me or adopt me. both my parents were only children, so i had no aunts or uncles, and my grandparents had passed away a long time ago too.

all my close friend's parents tried getting me, but for one reason or another, they were denied my adoption.

until nathalie came.

nathalie was 20, when she walked into my group home. we clicked instantly.

she would come visit me everyday, until one day she walked in, hugged me and showed me my adoption certificate.

i finally had a family again.

that was 3 years ago, and to this day, she is still very loving towards me.

she's the best, i wouldn't trade her for the world!

"hey lia, what's up?" nathalie called out as she walked in the front door.

"oh you know, just finished my homework. came to the kitchen for a snack and i'm gonna go back upstairs to get ready for tonight. oh and i got an a+ on my algebra test." i said casually.

"i'm proud of you for that a+ i know how hard you worked for it. oh, and what's happening tonight?" nathalie asks, as she sets her things down in the living room.

"i have a date tonight." i smile nervously.

"i thought you said cam was just a friend." she teased.

"he is! plus, the date's not with him. it's with carter reynolds." i protested while laughing.

"wait! the carter reynolds? carter reynolds as in the magcon boy?" she asked shocked.

"yes nathalie, that carter reynolds. why?" i giggled.

"oh my god, you're so lucky! i mean i know cam is part of magcon too but, you grew up with him. so i'm used to you hanging out with him, but carter!? wow, i'd give anything to be in your position. i fucking love the magcon boys! i'd literally do anything to meet them! how'd you ask him out? where did you see him?" she babbled on.

"about that, i might of forgotten to mention, the magcon boys decided to rent a house, all of them together.. here.. in la. they all go to school with me now. and yeah that happened a week ago.. and all those times i told you i was out with new friends i meant the magcon boys. i didn't know you were such a fan of them, otherwise i would of told you sooner." i said all at once.

nathalie's jaw dropped. she didn't look mad, actually she looked a little dizzy. she sat down and placed her hands on her head.

"nathalie?" i asked.

"oh my god. this is huge! do you know where they live? can i meet them sometime?" nathalie flooded me with questions once she was breathing again.

"well, you can meet carter tonight when he comes to pick me up. which is in about 2 hours and 30 minutes or so.. wait!! 2 hours!? i have to go get ready, and you're going to help me nattie." i said slowly realizing the time.

nattie was a nickname i gave her from way before she adopted me, and it kinda just stuck to her. so i call her that all the time now.

"hell yeah i am! see this is the time where my careers in cosmetology and fashion come in handy. you go hop in the shower and i'll pick out an outfit for you. once you're dressed, i'll do your hair and makeup. go!" nattie smiled.

"thanks babe! you're awesome!" i said as i was halfway up the stairs already.

i took a quick 10 minute shower, got out and went straight to my walk in closet. i looked around to see what outfit nattie had picked out.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz