Chapter 13

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* Lia's POV *

I froze, and slowly turned around.

"MATT!!!" I shrieked as I ran up to hug him. I latched onto him with my arms and legs. He hugged me and spung me around.

"I've missed you so much!! Nash and Cam said you weren't moving in with them?" I asked confused but still latched on.

"Well I wasn't. But I convinced my parents to let me. I told them I'd be going to the same school as you. And once I mentioned your name they practically packed my bags for me. I've been here since this afternoon, Carter actually picked me up from LAX." Matt explained to me. I let go and walked back to Carter and held his hand.

"Carter! You didn't tell me y/n was your date!! Bro, you scored with her. She, ugh, she's everything you can ask for in a girl." Said Matt in his cute dreamy voice.

"Well I didn't know you guys knew each other. And I know, that's why she's also MY girlfriend." Teased Carter.

"Bro, you are so funny. Thinking you can date Cam's girlfriend." Teased Matt.

"It's true Matt. He just asked me out, and I said yes. And you know me and Cam are just friends. That's all." I said smiling. Carter leaned in and we kissed.

"Wait? This is actually happening? But I just-- Ohhh, now I get why that kid ran the other way. Okay, got it. Well, you guys are a great couple. Carter, you BETTER treat her right! If he doesn't treat you right, you let me know." Said Matt all at once.

I just smiled.

My thoughts:
What and who did he mean by now I know why that kid ran the other way and stuff? What's going on?

"Matthew Lee Espinosa, you know I'd never hurt her. She's, she's my everything." Said Carter with a huge smile as he hugged me tighter.

"Better not bro. Cuz she's literally our little princess. Every single boy in Magcon loves her, so if she look sad or she let's us know you hurt her.. We're gonna have to kick your sorry butt Carter." Said Matt laughing.

Carter smiled and looked at me.

I shrugged and teased, "It's true."

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Like someone was behind me. I knew EXACTLY who it was.

"Who you here with bro?" Asked Carter.

"Nash, Hayes, Taylor, Aaron, Jack, Jack, Sammy, Shawn, Cam, so basically everyone." Said Matt counting with his fingers and giving up.

I stared into Matt's eyes. He was trying to tell me something but didn't know how to.

"Oh that's awesome that they're all here. We should all hangout together right now, shouldn't we babe?" I said to Carter.

"Yeah, I'm cool with that." Said Carter with a smile.

"Oh, and can you tell Hayes that no matter how sneaky he considers himself, I'll still know he's behind me, standing on the sofa about to jump on my back and make me give him a piggy back ride?" I said still Looking at Matt.

Matt bursted out laughing. Carter turned around, and sure enough, Hayes was there. On the sofa, ready to jump on my back and ask for a piggy back ride.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now