Chapter 19

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"OH! I know where I saw you guys! I saw you in my daughters's bedrooms!" Said the doctor.

I looked at them confused. Cam and Carter shrugged.

"What do you mean you saw my boyfriend in YOUR daughters's rooms?" I asked teasingly.

"Oh, well not them PHYSICALLY, but I mean, they have your posters all around. Wow! My daughters would love to meet you guys. Wait, but isn't there like a group of you guys doe?" He babbled on.

"Yeah, the rest are in the waiting room, the nurse didn't let them come in. I'm Carter, and this is Cameron, but we call him Cam. And this is Y/n, my girlfriend, she's basically part of Magcon now, she's only missed one meet and greet since we started. And that's cuz she was doing our homework. But I'm pretty sure we'd all be pleased to meet your daughters." Said Carter politely with a smile.

"Come with me, let's go get your friends and let them in. I'm going to call my daughters and put you on the phone with them." Said the doctor  as he took Carter.

"I'll join you." Said Nattie. The 3 of them left. I smiled and then looked at Cam.

"Cam.." I said weakly.

Cam ran to the side of my bed. He held my hand. "Yes babe?" He said.

"I'm sorry Cam. I'm so stupid! I should of known." I cried out.

"Babe, calm down. What are you talking about?" Asked Cam confused.

"Matt told me everything.. I should of known you liked me. I'm sorry. I'm just so stupid.." I kept crying out.

"No, baby, no don't cry. It's not your fault. I never told you. I see how happy you are with Carter and honestly I AM happy for you. He treats you right and he's cool with our weird friends/lovers/family relationship we have. Everything is okay. As long as your happy, I'm happy." Said Cam as he hugged me.

"Thank you Cam. It means a lot to me." I said to him.

Cam's thoughts:
It hurts me to have to lie to her. But if I tell her the truth and tell her that I'm dying of jealousy, and that my heart breaks every time Carter looks at her, touches her, kisses her, then she'd never be happy. I'll be okay as long as she's happy. I'll eventually be okay with her relationship with Carter...  I hope..

He sat on the bed and hugged me while he texted the rest. I looked at the conversation they had going on, it was very interesting.

"Cam, why does it say I'm in the conversation when I don't even have my phone?" I asked.

"Oh, well you see, Matt's phone died like 20 minutes ago. And he knows your password so he's using your phone for a while.

"Oh. I see. Eh, it's cool. Hey Cam..You're still moving in... Right..?" I asked worried.

"Do you want me to? Cuz if not I can move in with the boys. It's up to you.." He answered casually.

"Yes. I want you to move in. It'll be fun." I said with a weak smile.

"Then I'll move in as soon as we're out of here." He said as he hugged me and kissed my forehead.


meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now