Chapter 61

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The crowd roared with excitement. The cheered and chanted "KISS KISS KISS KISS!!" So we did. There were a bunch of camera flashes and claps. Everything seemed perfect. We pulled away from each other, Carter hugged me and we said our final goodbye. The concert was over and the meet and greet started. We each had our own table and line of fans. Surprisingly I had my OWN table and line of fans! I was surprised so may people wanted to meet me!! Carter's table was right next to mine. I looked over at him, he smiled at me. I smiled back and greeted my very first fan! After a couple hundred pictures, autographs and hugs, the manager called me over. Once I got there he started telling me that I was a hit, and that if I wanted to start my musical career he could help me out. Cam walked over to us. I looked at him and hugged him. The manager kept going.

"We can start a second tour for the boys once you guys are out of school, and you can participate in their concerts. That way people will start recognizing you more and more. Write a couple songs and play them, and if you decide you want to do it, I'll be right here waiting for your decision." He smiled.

"Thank you so much! I'll get back to you as soon as I make up my mind. But the whole participating in the tour sounds like a good way to start off and really fun." I smiled.

He told us to go back to the meet and greet and walked away. I checked my phone, I had a couple miss calls from Bianca. I looked at Cam and showed him, he just shrugged. I called her back,

B: Hello Y/n!?
Me: Yeah? What's wrong?
B: Nothing I'm fine. But can I ask you something?
Me: Umm sure?
B: You don't want to see Kian right now do you?

I froze, I didn't know what to say...

Me: Bianca why are you asking me this? I don't know if I trust you enough yet..
B: I know you don't want to see him right now, I saw the pain in your eyes once you saw him. And that's why I'm calling you!
Me: I don't understand what you mean Bianca.
B: HE'S ON HIS WAY TO MAGCON! He said he had somethings to tell you before you decided to make it official with Carter! He left about 30 minutes ago! I tried calling you earlier!

Cam looked at me worried and confused.

B: I tried stopping him but I couldn't! I swear I tried! Once I realized I couldn't stop him I decided I should warn you then. I'm so sorry Y/n.
Me: It's okay Bianca. Thank you so much for the heads up.
B: No problem y/n. Bye.
Me: Bye..

"What happened!?" Asked Cam once I hung up.

"Kian is on his way here! He said he had some stuff to tell me before I made it official with Carter. HE'S ON HIS FUCKING WAY HERE!! Carter doesn't know he's my ex! Much less that I ran into him in the morning and that he's going to be attending OUR school! I'm dead! This is it!" I said panicking.

"Just take a deep breathe. Everything will be alright. He can't get in that easily. He needs a ticket or VIPS pass, and he has neither. The concert  was sold out so he can't buy a ticket. Just relax babe, let's go back to our tables, if shit goes down, text me." Cam reassured.

I nodded and we headed back. I signed a couple of shirts, hoodies and phone cases. And THAT'S when I heard it...

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now