Chapter 29

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"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?" He laughed.

I just smiled at Carter and put my books in the locker. Cam opened his locker next to mine.

"Thanks Cam, for helping me." I said with a hug.

"No problem." He smiled as he hugged me.

"Where's Hayes?" I asked as Cam and I joined our usual group of friends.

"He said he was gonna get you something before school." Said Nash.

"Oh. He didn't tell me anything." I said confused.

The bell rang and we all walked to our classroom. We all had the same schedule. Cam walked in front messing around with Nash and the Jacks. Carter hugged me as we walked to class.

"How are you feeling babe?" He asked as he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm way better. But my arm is still sore from the IV." I said rubbing it softly.

"It'll go away soon. So I heard were all coming over today?" He asked.

"I hope so and yeah. My mom wants to meet you guys. She's a huge Magcon fan." I said without thinking.

Carter looked confused. Cam turned around, shook his head and smiled at me.

"She means Nattie." Explain Cam.

"Ooooh. Makes much more sense now." Laughed Carter.

We got to class and sat down, then the intercom came on.

"Good Morning students. Please stand for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the--" Said the principal.

We all stood up and started saying the pledge. I started looking for my phone. I didn't remember unplugging it. I wanted to text Hayes and ask him where he was. They finished the pledge and we sat down. Cam turned around and handed me my phone.

"I saw it when I went back for the books and thought you might need it." He smiled.

"You are a life saver Cam." I whispered back.

"Okay let's take roll." Said the teacher. She started calling name after name. When Hayes ran In.

"I'm here! I'm here!" He said as he walked to his seat.

"I still haven't called your name Hayes. But why are you late?" She asked.

"Well i don't know if you've been informed but, y/n was hospitalized last night. And they prescribed her medicine. I took the recipe in last night and they asked me to pick it up early today. So I had to go get it and then register it in the office. So her medicine is now in the office, and I'm just now getting here. Oh and I had to get Starbucks on the way." He babbled all at once.

"Okay. I won't mark you late since you were doing something good." She said with a smile.

"Thank you. See, this is why you're my favorite teacher." Bragged Hayes as he walked to his seat next to mine.

She smiled and continued taking roll.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin