Chapter 88

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"Bianca should be here in 10. So let's cook something and eat before she comes to get us." I smiled giving her a hug.

"Would you young ladies like some pancakes?" Asked the maid.

"Oh, Nala, this is Y/n, my girlfriend. Her and Andrea are Vegans." Carter introduced.

"Hi Nala, nice to meet you." I greeted with a smile.

"The pleasure is mine. I can make you girls a fruit and granola salad. Is that okay? Or what would you prefer  to eat something else?" Nala asked with a smile.

"Fruit salad." Andrea and I said at the same time.

"I'll have it ready in a bit." Nala smiled.

"Thanks Nala." Andrea thanked.

We sat down at the table. The boys were so hyper already. I checked my phone while I waited for my fruit salad. I had a miss call from Nattie & new texts. I got up and walked over to the living room. I called Nattie back.

Nattie: Hello? Y/n?

Me: Hi Nattie how are you?

Nattie: I was worried about you! You didn't answer, and I saw some pictures online of you walking out of a hospital! Are you okay?

Me: Nattie calm down. I'm fine. 100% fine. Kian had an accident and I went to go check on him, he's the one in the hospital not me. And I didn't pick up cuz my phone is still on silent.

Nattie: Oh. Okay. Can I talk to Cam please?

Me: Umm sure. Let me go get him.

Nattie: Thanks.

I walked back into the kitchen and then over to Cam.

"What's wrong?" Cam asked.

"Mom wants to talk to you. She thought I was in the hospital. She's flipping out." I explained.

Cam grabbed my phone, got up and walked over to the living room.

"Is everything alright bae?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, Nattie saw some pictures of me walking out of the hospital yesterday online and she thought I was hospitalized and didn't let her know, so I think she's double checking with Cam to make sure I didn't lie." I explained.

"Here you go sweetie." Nala smiled placing a bowl with fruit salad in front of me.

"Thank you Nala." I smiled back.

She seemed sweet. She was about 50 years old? She didn't look that old but she did have a couple wrinkles. She had that sweet grandma kinda look. I liked her. Cam walked back to me.

"Imma steal Y/n from you guys for a bit." He smiled as he gently grabbed my wrist.

"Oh... Okay.." I said standing up an walking with him to the living room.

"What is it Cam?" I asked a little worried.

"We have to go home RIGHT now. Shit is going down. The adoption center where Nattie processed your adoption papers is saying.... Stuff... And we have to go talk to them. It's an emergency." Cam said putting on his hoodie.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now