Chapter 79

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I watched while they put Kian in the CATscan machine. It didn't look like it hurt so that was good. My phone rang, I left the room and picked up.

Y/n: Hello?

Grayson: Hey is this Y/n?

Y/n: Umm yeah, who is this?

Grayson: Okay good I got the right number! I'm Grayson Dolan. You've liked a couple of my vines with my brother Ethan.

Y/n: OH MY GOSH! Grayson how did you get my number!? I'm honestly fangirling right now!

Grayson: Andrea gave it to me but asked me not to tell you and honestly I'M the one that kinda fell off the bed when you answered! You're an amazing singer! I love you! And I kinda wanted to ask you something...

Y/n: Awe thank you, and sure ask me.

Grayson: Well it's not really a question... It's more like an offer? Can we meet somewhere to discuss it? I want to meet you personally, also Ethan keeps telling me to tell you he wants to meet you.

The nurse brought Kian back into the room and helped him onto the bed. I kept talking to Grayson.

Y/n: For sure boy!

Grayson: Can we meet up at Chipotle? In like an hour?

Y/n: Yeah I'll meet you there.

Grayson: Okay sounds great! Ethan's coming with me too. So it'll be fun. I just hope he doesn't embarrass me. I wanted it to be kinda like a date, but Ethan is tagging along.

Y/n: Hey but you know how I'm dating Carter now right?

Grayson: Oh you are..?

Y/n: Yeah, so I don't think he'll be very happy if he knows I'm meeting up with you, so let's just keep it a secret okay?

Grayson: Oh yeah for sure! I'll tell Ethan to keep it a secret too.

Y/n: Thanks! You're the best!

Grayson: So are you! Hey, we're gonna start getting ready but well meet you there in an hour. Bye, love you Y/n.

Y/n: Alright, I love you too.

I hung up and smiled! I couldn't believe GRAYSON DOLAN had my number and just called me! I looked at Kian, he didn't look to happy.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"A friend of mine. How was the scan?" I asked trying to avoid further investigation.

"It was good. And you're leaving?" He asked.

"No, not yet. In like 45 minutes or so. I still don't know if Cam's car is here yet." I smiled.

"Oh." He said emotionless.

"Kian! What happened!?" Asked Jc walking in the door.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now