Chapter 27

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"Sure thing babe. Remember when we were little and there were thunderstorms, you always ran to me and hugged me. No matter where we were." Smiled Cam as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Yes..." I shyly admitted, I felt his warmth and instantly I felt a hundred times safer.

"I miss those days." Said Cam looking out the window.

"What are you talking about? I'm 17 and I STILL run to you and expect you to hug me through the storm. That will NEVER change. No matter if I'm single, dating, engaged OR married. I'm still going to find you and expect you to hold me until the storm has passed." I said giggling.

"Good. And know that I'll always be there, waiting to hold you. Even after the storm has passed. No matter what. Now lets go to sleep." Said Cam in a heart warming voice.

"Okay, good night Alexander." I teased as I turned off the lights.

"You sound like my mom when you call me by my middle name." He laughed.

"Fine, good night babe." I corrected myself. I turned around and gave him our usual good night kiss on the cheek.

"Good night beautiful." He whispered in my ear. He wrapped his arm around my waist, and we doze of into a peaceful sleep.

My phone when off at 7:10am. I usually kept it under my pillow, so as soon as I heard it, I turned it off so it wouldn't wake up Cam. I realized we hadn't moved at all. His arm was still wrapped around my waist. I turned around slowly and just laid there, watching him. God he was gorgeous! I loved everything about him. I heard Nattie's door open. It was our regular routine. She woke up, knocked on my door, I got up, got dressed, she made breakfast, we ate, she got ready for work, I walked with Cam to school and she went off to work. And I was right.

"Y/n? Are you going to school today honey?" She asked as she knocked.

I opened the door and rubbed my eyes.

"Yeah I am. Imma start getting ready. Oh and Cam's here so can you make breakfast for him to?" I asked.

"Sure babe. So I'm guessing he's driving you to school since it's raining?" She asked as she walked away.

"Yeah." I said closing the door.

I walked to my closet and decided that due to the rain and my sore arm from the IV, it'd be a lazy day. I grabbed some skinny jeans, one of Cam's extra shirts he left here all the time and Carter's hoodie. Then I got some black socks and put on my black vans. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then I came out and walked over to Cam.

"Baby? Wake up, we're going to be late for school." I said as I shook him a little.

"5 more minu--" he mumbled.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and his eyes flew open.

"I'm up! I'm up!" He laughed.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I teased.

"Good morning princess. What time is it?" He asked yawning.

"7:18. We're driving to school today right?" I asked.

"Of course! I wouldn't make you walk in the rain. Especially not after last night." He basically shrieked.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now