Chapter 21

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"OH. MY. GOD. You're all here!" Shrieked Nessie.

"This is my youngest daughter, Nessie, she's 14. And my other daughter is on her way here. Her name's Bianca. She's 16." Said the doctor to the boys as he saw Nessie in the room.

"Hi Nessie." Said the boys. They took turns giving her a hug.

"Wow! I love you guys so much! Like you don't even know! Wow I'm dying! Oh and Carter, I ship you and y/n. Can I have your guys's autograph too?" She babbled on as she handed her phone and sharpie to Matt.

"Sure." They all said at the same time. We all laughed as they passed around Nessie's phone.

"Look at you Y/n! Getting autograph requests and everything." Teased Shawn.

"Oh you know. Just doing my thing." I giggled back.

"How do you feel babe?" Asked Carter as he handed Nessie her phone back.

"I feel better. Just gonna get som X-Rays done and then I'm out of here. Thank you guys all for being here with me. It means a lot. But you guys should all go home now. It's really late and there's school tomorrow. I don't wanna make you guys get in trouble cuz of me." I said to them.

"Were not leaving without you bae. We came together, and we LEAVE together." Said Nash.

"Plus, the principal knows we have a busy schedule so well just tell him we had an unexpected meet and greet and that we won't be able to go. Just focus on getting better, and we'll do all the lying and school ditching." Said Gilinsky.

A man walked in the door and said, "I'm here to take y/n's X-Rays... Wow this room is crowded."

"They love me." I teased.

"I'm going to have to take you to the X-ray room, so due to your conditions, you have to go in a wheelchair so, hop on." He said joyfully.

"Oh, okay." I said as I tried getting up. Cam and Carter helped me up and walked me to the wheelchair.

"Can I go with her?" Asked Carter.

"Sure. But only you, we can't bring the whole crew." He joked.

Carter pushed my IV bag, while the male nurse pushed my wheelchair. We got to the X-ray room, they made Carter stand outside while they took a couple of X-rays. Then we were on our way back to my room. I hopped back into bed. The boys sat all around the bed, Nessie sat down between Taylor and Hayes.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 1:47am." Said Johnson.

"Hi guys." Said this girl as she walked in.

"Guys this Bianca. My older sister." Introduced Nessie.

"Hi Bianca." Said the boys as they got up to greet her. She hugged everyone and have them a kiss on the cheek, but when she got to Carter she kissed him on the lips. My jaw dropped wide open.

"I've wanted to do that my WHOLE life." Said Bianca seductively as she bit her bottom lip.

"Whoa! Bianca! What are you doing! Carter has a girlfriend!" Said Nessie as she ran up to her and stood between her and Carter.

"Do you?" Bianca asked Carter.

"Yes I do." Said Carter right away.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt