Chapter 98

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* Carter's POV *

"Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked Matt.

"Sure, what's up?" He smiled.

"I'm a little confused as to what I should and shouldn't do." I confessed.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"Like, I don't know what I should allow Y/n to do and what I shouldn't allow." I said as I sat down on the floor.

"Well you can't really ALLOW her to do something or not. That's kinda her choice.." Matt replied as he sat on his computer chair.

"I know, but like today for example, I'M her boyfriend and we hardly talked today, basically only before school and at lunch. I didn't see her after school and we hardly talked in class. She spent all day today with her EX, Jc and the twins.." I said looking down at my hands.

"That's cause Mrs. Smith told her to show them around. But yeah I get where you're coming from. And honestly, as her friend  who grew up with her, if not her brother, I'd say you have nothing to worry about. She's just excited to have all of them in our school now. But this will eventually fade out and she won't pay much attention to them later on. If you noticed, she hardly talked to Cam today as well, and Cam is literally her big brother and you know how inseparable they are. So don't feel bad bro, she's just happy." Matt explained.

"Thanks man. Wait, one more question, do you know WHY Kian and Y/n broke up?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, since her father got sick they moved here for him to get the treatment he needed, and a long distance relationship wasn't working out for them so they ended it. I believe Y/n was the one to end it if I'm not mistaking." He answered.

"Do you think she still has feelings for him?  Cause I've watched their old YouTube videos and they seemed to be so in love. I also watched the one where Kian told his viewers that they had broken up and he truly seemed heartbroken.." I asked kind of sad.

"Personally I don't think she does. I mean, yeah she still loves him as the best friends they use to be, but I don't see anything else there. He's stepping back and she's loyal to you. I don't see anything else happening between them." He smiled and reassured.

"So all the hugs and stuff are normal?" I kept going on.

"Yeah, why are you so stressed about it? They're just friends, plus WE hug her all the time? And you're okay with that." He questioned.

"Yeah but you guys are like brothers to her, none of you guys are her 3 year ex boyfriends who she was deeply in love with.." I confessed.

"Bro, there's NOTHING to worry about. She would never cheat on you, or anything of that sort. And I know her pretty well, if there's anything else going on, she'll tell you. Just trust her. Plus, you hangout with Vanessa more now, and Y/N'S not stressing out about it cause she TRUSTS you. She know you won't do anything stupid. And that's what you have to do, TRUST her." Matt reassured.

And it was true, I did mostly hangout with Hayes, Bianca and Vanessa today and Y/n just smiled at me from time to time and she seemed to be fine with it. Maybe I'm just overreacting.

"Yeah that's true. Thanks man, I really needed someone to talk to and to get this off my chest." I said as I stood up.

"Yeah no problem bro." He said as we headed out to the kitchen.

"Hey guys." Hayes said as we walked into the kitchen.

He was at the kitchen table with Nessa doing homework.

"Hey guys, you hungry?" I asked them.

"A little." Nessa replied as she took a sip of her water.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now