Chapter 22

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"This can be our little secret, she doesn't have to find out." She whispered to Carter. Carter backed away from her slowly.

"Bianca, you are so thirsty. I am ashamed to be called your sister." Said Nessie as she rubbed her temples.

"And who's the patient?" Said Bianca as she let got of MY BOYFRIEND, and walked to my bedside.

"Oh, sorry for not introducing myself, I'm y/n, Carter's girlfriend." I said with a smile trying not to be a bitch right away.

You should have SEEN her face!! It was priceless! She went from pale to every color you can think of.

"Oh! I'm so sorry about what I did to Carter y/n! And the whole 'it can be our little secret' thing was a joke I swear." She babbled on, i could tell she was close to tears.

"Just forget about it and don't do it again." I halfway teased.

"Promise." She said instantly.

"Watch out boys, one of you is next. I can tell." Said Nessie with a serious face.

"Well, I gotta run. It was a pleasure to meet you guys. And once again, sorry about earlier y/n." Said Bianca as she headed to the door. Everyone but me and Carter said goodbye to her. Carter couldn't even look at me. He was ashamed I think?

"Matt can you do me a favor?" I asked.

"Sure bae, what?" He said.

"Make me a Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and a Vine please?" I asked him.

"Sure bae. I'm downloading the apps right now, Pic a username." Said Matt.

"Magcons_bae" Said Cam.

"Yeah! I like it!" I smiled.

"Okay, Cam, Imma need you for her info." Said Matt. Cam sat next to him, and after like an hour I had every social media you could think of.

"Guys, let's all give bae a shoutout so people know she has social media now and they follow her." Said Cam.

"So on Twitter and Instagram, everyone of us is following you and so is Nessie, you're following all of us and Nessie as well. So once we all give you a shout out you'll have 1K in less than an hour." Said Matt as he handed me my phone back.

"Pshh yeah right." I said in disbelief.

"Watch and learn baby girl." Said Hayes with a smile.

"Guys, it's late and I have school tomorrow. It was a pleasure meeting you guys, I had a blast. Y/n I hope you get well soon baby. Hit me up sometime and we'll go shopping or something." Said Nessie as she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Sure thing Nessie." I said she walked to the door. She smiled at us and then left.

"Carter..?" I said trying to get his attention.

"Yeah?" He said looking up for the first time since the kiss.

"Come here." I said as I patted on the bed and smiled.

"Guys, can I have a sec alone with bae?" Said Carter.

The guys got up and went out of the room.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now