69. Always and Forever (Finale)

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Shruthi's POV

I sighed as I packed my belongings, preparing to leave for Chennai to finally face Arjun

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I sighed as I packed my belongings, preparing to leave for Chennai to finally face Arjun. Anandhi's sudden declaration caught me off guard. "I'm coming with you," she announced firmly.

I shook my head, a sense of determination settling over me. "No, I need to do this by myself. I can manage," I insisted, trying to reassure her.

Anandhi's irritation had peaked as she retorted, "The fuck you can! What kind of best friend am I if I let you go alone while you're pregnant and in this mental state?"

I closed my eyes briefly, feeling the weight of her concern. "I'll be fine," I assured her. "I'm just going to talk to him, not fighting a war against him."

Anandhi wasn't convinced. "No, Shruthi. He gave you divorce papers. I don't want you to be alone when you're having that awful conversation with him," she argued vehemently.

I met her gaze, pleading silently. "Please, Anandhi. I need to do this by myself. Try to understand," I insisted, my voice filled with desperation.

She nodded reluctantly, finally conceding to my wishes. For a moment, there was silence between us, both of us not knowing what to say next.

Then, after a few moments, Anandhi broached a topic that I had been avoiding. "Are you going to tell him?" she asked softly, her eyes searching mine.

My heart clenched at her words, knowing exactly what she meant. She was referring to the baby. I hesitated, unsure of how to answer.

I sat on the edge of the bed, replaying the events of yesterday in my mind like a broken record.

After the call with my Ma, both Aarav and Anandhi were fuming when they found out about the divorce notice that Arjun had sent. Anandhi no matter how angry still stayed calm for me. But I could hear the anger plainly in her voice.

"I need time to process this," I admitted to them. "But for now, can you both promise not to tell Arjun about the baby. Not yet." That's all I asked of them.

Aarav had nodded and confessed, "I haven't spoken to Arjun since you were at the hospital. I didn't want to risk slipping up and revealing that you were unconscious. He would have come here immediately."

Gratitude swelled within me for Aarav's understanding and respect for my wishes. I thanked him for understanding my situation so well and told him that I needed  to confront Arjun on my own terms, when I'm ready.

Gratitude swelled within me for Aarav's understanding and respect for my wishes. I thanked him for understanding my situation so well and told him that I needed to confront Arjun on my own terms, when I was ready.

I remembered how their words had reassured me during those tough moments. I felt a deep sense of appreciation for their unwavering support. It was in those moments that I realized just how much they cared for me. They understood my need for space and respected my decision to handle things at my own pace.

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