32. Pongalo Pongal

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Arjun's POV

The first light of dawn painted the room in soft hues, signaling the beginning of a special day

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The first light of dawn painted the room in soft hues, signaling the beginning of a special day. As I lay comfortably wrapped in the warmth of our shared dreams, I felt a gentle touch on my cheek. The touch, soft yet deliberate, roused me from my peaceful slumber.

"Ey thoongu moonji ezhunthari. Pongal vanthuruchu!" someone said in awfully cheery voice.
(Wake up, sleepyhead. Pongal is here!)

Her voice, a melody of excitement, cut through the drowsiness. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I found Shruthi standing beside the bed, adorned in the same vibrant saree from the previous day.

However now she was all dolled up with gold jewelry and her hair was done in a half braid which enhanced her beautiful face shape. A mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes.

"Innum konjam neram thoonga mudiyatha? Pongal aprom paathukalaam" I asked rubbing my eyes.
(Can't we sleep in a bit longer? Pongal can wait)

Shruthi chuckled, leaning down to plant a sweet kiss on my cheek.

"Mudiyathu somberi. Pandrathuku neraya vela irukku. Ipo ezhuntharikiriya illa naa Athaiye koopdava?" She flashed a teasing grin before disappearing, leaving me to contemplate the impending threat.
(Nope, Mr. Lazybones. We have traditions to uphold. Now, get up, or should i call your mom?)

"Vendam thaaye naa poren. Nee videve maatele?" I dragged myself out of bed, reluctantly acknowledging the call of tradition.
(God No! You're relentless, aren't you?")

As I stumbled into the living room, still in the haze of morning lethargy, Shruthi, my mom and Lea stood by the entrance of the house,with clay pots and pans clinking softly.

"Naa ellathaiyum ready pannitruken. Poi Kuzhichutu vaa. Pongal seiyanum" Shruthi said pushing me back into the house by my shoulders.
(I've already started the preparations. Now, go freshen up. We have Pongal to make)

"Sofalerunthey naa paaka mudiyatha?" I asked turning back to look at her.
(Can't I just supervise from the comfort of the couch?)

Shruthi raised an eyebrow, her determination unwavering.

"Nice try, but no. You're helping. Now, into the shower you!" With a playful shove, she directed me towards the bathroom.

As the warm water cascaded, washing away the last remnants of sleep, I couldn't help but smile. Shruthi's enthusiasm for preserving traditions added a special charm to our first Pongal as a married couple.

After the refreshing shower, I joined Shruthi and the others. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the anticipation of Pongal, creating a delightful ambiance.

"I suppose I can handle stirring the pot. What's the first step, Angel?"

Shruthi, handed me a ladle.

"That's the spirit! Now, gentle stirs and good vibes. We're making memories, Arjun."

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