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Arjun's POV

"Her place is that she is my wife"

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"Her place is that she is my wife".

All 3 of them looked up to see me standing atthe archway to the dining room.

I entered the dining room, immediately sensing the uncomfortable atmosphere that hung in the air. I couldn't help but notice the stern and dominating presence of my father who had always been a source of tension in their relationship.

I had long harbored feelings of resentment and disappointment toward his father. My father's authoritarian nature had often clashed with my desire for independence and a more egalitarian family dynamic. This friction had been a point of contention between them for years. This is also what drove me away from the family business.

Seeing Shruthi's discomfort in the presence of my father served as a stark reminder of the deep-seated issues that existed within their family. I empathized with Shruthi's unease, as I had experienced it himself many times. My own strained relationship with father made it all the more challenging to address the issues at hand. That's why I avoided him at most times.

I should have warned Shruthi about him. With a blank expression on my face, I took my seat at the table beside Shruthi and right across Pa. My eyes met Shruthi's, and in that glance, we shared a silent understanding of the discomfort that had descended upon the room. I didn't know what else Pa gad said to her but from the last comment I heard I knew it was bad. I made a mental note to ask Shruthi later.

I noticed Shruthi's plate still barely touched so I leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "Why aren't you eating? Are you not hungry?"

She jumped in her seat a little from surprise and shook her head before eating. I grinned at her before focusing on my own plate. Before I could start, a throat cleared and I looked up to see Pa watching me. I raised my eyebrows and he said, "Don't you have to apologize?".

I remained quiet because I didn't know what he was talking about.

Pa sighed and said, " You just disrespected me by supporting her. You owe me an apology", jerking his head towards Shruthi. I glanced towards her and she looked like she was on the verge of tears. Anger bubbled inside me and I fisted my hand under the table controlling myself.

I said in a calm voice, "Then I guess you owe an apology to Shruthi first since you disrespected her first"

I could hear Shruthi gasp softly and Lea coughed loudly. She reached for the water which was too far away for her so I placed a glass in front of her and folded my hands back all while still watching Pa.

"This is too much Arjun. How can you go against your own father for someone you've known for a few days "

"Correction Pa, I've known Shruthi for years and she is my wife now. How many times do I have to tell you? If you don't give her the respect she deserves, then why should I respect you? "

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