15. The Truth

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Arjun's POV

I only saw red at the restaurant

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I only saw red at the restaurant. I was blinded by rage when I saw Shruthi and her friend at the restaurant. At first I was just pissed off that she came to a restaurant with another guy. She seemed normal. I was watching her from afar. Suddenly I saw her arguing with the guy and she slammed the table with her hand and stood up. When she tried to leave, he grabbed her wrist and said something.

He touched her.
I'm the only one who has the right to touch her.
She is my wife.

It was as though I had finally reached my breaking point. My jaw clenched as frustration simmered beneath the surface. Suddenly, I snapped in anger and it was as if a switch has been flipped, and the controlled composure I held a moment ago gave way to a burst of raw emotion. My gestures become more forceful, momentarily overpowering my usual demeanor.

The sudden intensity was palpable, leaving those around me taken aback by the unexpected eruption of emotion. Before I realized what I was doing, I went over there and punched him straight in the face. I heard a soft crack of his nose breaking and it brought me great satisfaction.

I would have decked him completely if not for Shruthi stopping me. She took his side and when she saw him bleeding she completely lost it. She shot me one look and that was enough to shut me up. I wasn't used to this. I was the intimidating one, I didn't not get intimidated, ever. However here I was, getting silenced by a glare from my wife.

Even though, she was taking his side, I didn't want her to be angry at me. So I apologized. Something I never do. I think she was surprised too but not more than how surprised I was myself. I followed her to the hospital fully prepared to be by her side the whole day but she pleaded us to leave her alone and I couldn't say no when she looked at me like that. So I left her and went back home. I had a million questions to ask her each one making my blood pressure shot up to the sky. I didn't want to know the answer to half the questions but I needed to know. Since she asked for time, I was thinking to ask her at home after she gets home.

I went home and went straight to my cabin, and got started on my work. My blood was boiling and I needed a good distraction. What better distraction than the pending work I had. I received a call from Nirmal halfway and I ignored it. He called me multiple times and I still ignored it. I was confident that he wouldn't show up today like last weekend because I had sent him to meet up with a client overseas. After some time he stopped but my satisfaction was short-lived. After an hour I received an anonymous call from an unknown number and I made the biggest mistake of picking it up and I regretted it as soon as the person on the other side spoke.

"Why the fuck are you ignoring me? ", I heard Nirmal say in a pissed off voice.

"I was not, now tell me what you want? ", I asked annoyed.

"Yes you were, I wanted to tell you we got the deal and the CEO wanted to have a meeting to seal the contract", he said a little proud of himself. I knew he would get the deal. After all he was the best negotiator there was. But I wasn't going to tell him that. He doesn't need his ego inflated more.

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