55. Deserving

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Shruthi's POV

My eyes widened in shock as I processed what had just happened

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My eyes widened in shock as I processed what had just happened. "Oh my god! Veera, why did you do that?" I asked, my voice trembling with disbelief and concern.

Veera clenched his jaw, his expression tight with frustration. "So I'm just supposed to stand there while he fucking disrespects you and Arjun?" he retorted, his voice edged with anger. "I couldn't just let him get away with that."

My heart swelled with gratitude and worry for my friend. "But you could have gotten hurt," I insisted, reaching out to touch his arm gently. "You didn't have to do that for me."

Veera's gaze softened as he looked at me. "I'd do anything to protect you, Princess," he murmured, his tone sincere. "You and Arjun both."

Tears glistened in my eyes as I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug. "Thank you, Veera," I whispered, my voice filled with emotion. "Thank you for always being there for us."

Veera held me close. "Of course, Princess," he murmured, his voice gentle. "You're like my little sister. You'll always have me."

Arjun stepped closer, his expression contrite. "I'm sorry for being rude to you all this time," he admitted, his tone apologetic. "You're a good friend to her, Veera. I'm glad she has you."

I pulled back slightly, looking up at Veera with tear-filled eyes. "He's right, Veera," I said, my voice trembling. "You've always been there for me, through everything. I don't know what I would do without you."

Veera smiled warmly, brushing away my tears gently. "You don't have to worry about that, Princess," he said, his voice filled with affection. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

Arjun gestured towards Veera's hand, concern etched on his face. "Go with Veera and get his hand looked at," he instructed, his voice firm but gentle. "I'll handle this guy."

I stepped forward, placing a hand on Arjun's chest, my heart pounding with worry. "Promise me you won't do anything reckless," I pleaded, my voice trembling.

Arjun gently took my hand from his chest and brought it to his lips, planting a soft kiss on it. "You know, I can't promise that, Angel," he admitted, his tone serious. "But I'll make sure he pays for what he did. And don't worry, I think Veera's punch knocked him out."

I felt apprehensive to leave Arjun alone as I looked into his determined gaze. "Just be careful, okay?" I urged, concerned.

Arjun nodded, his expression resolute. "I will," he promised, squeezing my hand reassuringly before letting go. "Now go with Veera and clean up his hand"

I nodded. "Okay," I replied softly, giving Arjun a grateful smile before turning to Veera. "Let's get your hand taken care of," I said, guiding Veera towards where we had set up camp as the others were still sending off the equipment back to the hospital in a truck.

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