56. The Confrontation

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Arjun's POV

As we stepped into the dining room, I noticed my father already seated at the table, his usual stoic demeanor on display

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As we stepped into the dining room, I noticed my father already seated at the table, his usual stoic demeanor on display.

"Good evening, Pa," I greeted him, unable to shake the unease that settled in my chest at the sight of him.

He acknowledged me with a curt nod, his attention fixed on his plate.

Ma and Lea engaged in lively conversation, discussing the events of the medical camp. Despite Shruthi's enthusiasm, I could feel the tension in the air, knowing how my father's disapproval weighed on her.

I placed a reassuring hand on Shruthi's thigh, silently offering my support. "Go on, Angel. Tell them about the camp," I encouraged softly, hoping to deflect any attention away from my father's silent disapproval.

Shruthi smiled gratefully and began recounting her experiences, her voice filled with enthusiasm and pride. "It was such a fulfilling experience, Athai. We were able to help so many people. I'm so glad I decided to go for it and I couldn't have done it without Arjun beside me," she enthused, her eyes bright with passion.

As dinner progressed, I found myself stealing glances at my father, a mix of resentment and determination swirling inside me. Despite my dislike for him and his treatment of Shruthi, I knew I needed to confront him, to address the tension that was between us.

And so, as we finished our meal and bid my father goodnight, I steeled myself for the conversation ahead, deciding to confront him about his behavior and protect Shruthi from any further discomfort.

As Shruthi settled into bed, I paced restlessly across the room, my mind consumed with thoughts of my father's silent disapproval during dinner.

Sensing my unease, Shruthi glanced up from her book, concern furrowing her brow. "Arjun, is everything okay?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to voice the turmoil churning inside me. "It's nothing, just some work stuff," I replied, attempting to brush off her concerns.

But Shruthi saw through my lie, her eyes searching mine for the truth. "Arjun, I know when something's bothering you," she persisted gently. "Please, tell me what's wrong."

She noticed my restlessness and motioned for me to sit down beside her. As I sank onto the bed, she gently began massaging my shoulders, her touch soothing and comforting.

"Is it your father?" she asked softly, her eyes full of understanding.

Surprised by her insight, I nodded hesitantly. "How did you know?" I asked, amazed by her ability to read me so well.

"Because I know you," she replied simply, her fingers working out the tension in my muscles. "You carry your emotions on your sleeve, Arjun."

I sighed, knowing I couldn't keep my feelings bottled up any longer. I admitted, the words heavy on my tongue. "His behavior at dinner... It just really bothered me."

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