Author's Note

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Hii guyss! How are y'all doing? I hope everyone's fine! Esp with the Chennai Cyclone! Please those living in Chennai take care and be careful! 👋

I know you might be wondering why I haven't updated yet so sorry for that but it's my exam period now and I'm really busy with a lot of assignments and deadlines!  I wanted to let you guys know I won't be updating anything till next week due to my exams! Also I've been having a writer's block and it's mentally exhausting for me to think and also focus on my studies. Really sorry guys, I hope you understand. Ive been feeling really low due to some things that's been happening and I just can't bring myself to write anything. I have no motivation and I need to study also. One week may seem like along time but bear with me while I sort my exams out. And I'll be back better than ever! 🤘

However from next week updates will be more frequent and consistent. I'll try my best to give y'all what to deserve. Even if I write I just don't feel satisfied with my chapters so I tend to delete and rewrite because you guys deserve the best.  Don't worry the next few chapters will be good enough to compensate the delay and I will make sure of it.

I want to take this week to focus on my studies and I just wanted y'all to know and not wait around for the next update! Until then if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments about the characters or plots , feel free to use this space to tell me. I'll try my best to answer it and also please vote for the rest of the chapter you haven't already. Just to let you know this isn't the only story I'm working on. I've already started two other stories that I will be releasing right after this story. So you can try guessing who the MCs are going to be 👀

Anyway hope everyone is safe and take care guys. See y'all next week! That's all bye bye

~Your Zaara✨

Next Update: 16 Dec!

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