23. Darkness

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Trigger Warning:
This chapter contains violence and sexual abuse.

Shruthi's POV

Its been a week since our return from the trip, and I couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in Arjun's demeanor

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Its been a week since our return from the trip, and I couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in Arjun's demeanor. The once distant and rude behavior seemed to be making way for a more considerate and attentive version of him. As I reflected on these changes, I found myself observing each shift in his actions with a growing sense of curiosity.

At first, I wondered if it was merely a temporary phase, but as the days passed, it became evident that something had indeed changed. Arjun, who had once been quick to dismiss and ignore, now took the time to engage in conversations, even if they were brief. His gestures, whether fetching a cup of coffee or offering a simple smile, spoke volumes compared to the stark silence that had lingered before.

I found myself over thinking the significance of these changes. Was it a newfound realization on his part? Or wait really a conscious effort to bridge the emotional distance that had grown between us? Whatever the reason, it was hard to ignore the transformation.

Arjun's attempts at being nice weren't lost on me, and I couldn't help but appreciate the effort, no matter how small. It was as if he was learning a new language, one that spoke of understanding and consideration. Each kind word and every shared moment began to gradually erase the harsh lines that had defined our interactions.

There were moments when I caught glimpses of vulnerability in his eyes, a softening that hinted at a willingness to rebuild the trust that had been broken. The walls he had built up seemed to be crumbling, revealing a person who, beneath the exterior of indifference, wanted to harbor a connection with me.

As I navigated this unfamiliar terrain of shifting dynamics, I remained cautious yet hopeful. Even though, he was trying I couldn't shake the feeling that beneath the surface, that there was a motive behind all this. It took me time to trust people so most time I didn't trust anyone. Whether it was a genuine change of heart or a fleeting attempt at reconciliation, only time would tell.

The most noticeable change was the fact that he kept arguing me for the bed. Before the trip, it was for him to sleep on it alone but now he wanted us to share it. Tonight was no exception, as Arjun once again brought up what happened in the hotel room at Delhi.

"Shruthi, we've slept in the same bed before. Why this resistance now?" Arjun asked with an eyebrow raised, attempting to be nonchalant.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "That happened because you were drunk, Arjun. Don't act like it's a regular occurrence."

Smirking, he asked, "So, I have to be drunk to sleep in the same bed as my wife?"

Feigning annoyance, I answered, "Oh, please. Don't twist my words. I just don't want you thinking it's an everyday thing."

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