4. The Past

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Shruthi's POV

I've always hated Arjun

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I've always hated Arjun. He was more of a son to my parents than I was a daughter to them. My parents definitely loved him more than they ever loved me. They always talk about him like he is the best thing in the world and he makes everything rainbows. And as though I'm the dark cloud that brings darkness to their lives. I've never felt loved in my own home.

So how can I expect love outside of it?

It has always been this way since young. My parents have always been partial to me. They always preferred Aarav and Arjun to me. I didn't mind it when I was young because I didn't know what partiality was. Whenever Arjun came to my home to hangout at my house he always got the attention that I never gotten before.

If I'm being honest I was always jealous of him because when he was there I saw my parents become a set of fully different people.

They are never stern with him and are so sweet when talking to him. They talk about all sorts of stuff from studies, to hobbies, to his interests. While they didn't even know anything about me. They don't know the simple things about me like what I like and what I don't and they don't even ask me about my work.

Sometimes it hurts to know that your own parents care more about someone else compared to you. But as I grew up I started realising I was being treated differently compared to my brother.

He studied in the best school and collage. While I studied in the good but not the best schools.

Like I said even though I realized it I didn't care much about it because I still had good experiences from it. Compared to my brother, I was more obliged to meet their expectations and they were much higher and stricter compared to Aarav.

If Aarav failed something he would get encouragement, whilst if I even got anything less than an A, I will get a constant reminder of how I'm a failure. That's when I realized I'm never going to satisfy my parents no matter how well I do.

So I decided if I'm going to be a failure, I rather be a failure while chasing my dreams.

That's how I decided to become a doctor. And Arjun was one of the reasons I went to Scotland to study. I didn't want to see him with my family being a part of it when I myself was a stranger in it.

I never wanted to be in the business industry I knew that long ago when I started hating graphs on the stock market. But sometimes I can't help wonder why they gave birth to me if they didn't want to show me any love.


Now I was married to the same guy I hated so much. I don't know what Aarav was thinking. If he thought this was better he was so wrong. But I can't blame him. He doesn't know how I feel about Arjun. After the rituals, I went straight to Aarav and asked him how all this happened. And he told me everything. When he was done I asked him, "Wait he agreed immediately? ".

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