8. First Day As DIL

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Shruthi's POV

Did I do something wrong? Did I upset him somehow? Was I going crazy?

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Did I do something wrong? Did I upset him somehow? Was I going crazy?

These were the questions going through my mind as I watched Arjun walk out of the house. I went to the bed and sat down closing my eyes lost in my thoughts. He was angry and I knew it. I didn't know how or why but I just knew it. I've always known it from young. But he wouldn't admit it for some reason.

I've never been scared of anyone. My parents made sure of that. They hit me so many times that I gotten so used to it. I don't even flinch at this point. But today when Arjun came forward I was scared. Somewhere deep down I knew he wouldn't hurt me but I still got scared. Maybe that's why I was scared. With my parents I knew what was to be expected but with Arjun it was all so new. He was completely different from the Arjun I knew from years ago. I didn't know who he was and what he was capable of.

However, he was so different from yesterday. It was like seeing the old Arjun again. The way he acted yesterday, it made me wonder if this marriage could possibly work. He was so nice to me taking care of me and giving me my space.

Suddenly ever since he woke up, he's been acting so cold with me. How can a person change so quickly. The hope he gave me yesterday died at soon as it came. I blamed myself for hoping.

What was I even thinking?

He was forced into this marriage. From what I heard about him thoroughout the last 6 years from Aarav, he's never had a serious girlfriend and he has never entertained the topic of marriage. Aarav said Arjun agreed to this marriage willingly but his actions make me think otherwise.

If Aarav had forced Arjun into this marriage in any way, I would never forgive him. I know the feeling and I don't want anyone else to experience it especially because of me. Just that thought alone made me feel so guilty.

I was so consumed by my thoughts that I didn't even hear the knock on the door until the third time. I got up at opened the door to see Sheila standing there smiling. I tried to smile at her also and she started blabbering, "Oh shoot were you sleeping Anni? I'm so sorry! I should have thought about it when you took too long to answer. Im so sorry to disturb you. I'll just leave! "

I stopped her said sweetly, "Woah woah Sheila relax. I wasn't sleeping. Don't worry about it. I didn't hear you knock. You didn't disturb me or anything! Now tell me what you want".

She smiled again and, "Sorry Anni I'm just so nervous talking to you! I don't want to make the wrong impression. Im just really excited! "

This time a genuine smile appeared on my lips and I said putting a hand on her shoulder, "Sheila even though I'm your brother's wife, we were friends way before. You don't need to feel nervous.  The difference is that we're family now. Feel free to tell me anything. So why are you here now? "

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