17. Sorrow

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Shruthi's POV

I couldn't stop crying

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I couldn't stop crying. Even after Arjun left I was on the bed curled up crying. I couldn't control the tears that were flowing down my face. I didn't mean to say whatever I said. It was the truth but I never wanted him to know that. This was all my parents doing and their pressure. He was not to be blamed at all.

I don't know whether he was hurt or angry with the truth. I wouldn't have told him if he hadn't compelled me so much. I was trying to save him from the truth but he wouldn't listen. Now I felt so bad for telling him because no one deserves to know such a truth. Up till now no one knew why I went to Scotland except for Anandhi. Even Aarav doesn't know the real reason. I never told anyone. I never wanted anyone to know.

However, now the one person who shouldn't know the truth knows it and it hurt me so much for telling him. What's worse is that I didn't even tell him, I yelled at him. I never yell at anyone no matter how angry I'm at them. I agree I was never happy with this marriage. I didn't like Arjun enough to even be around him much less marry him. Though what's done was done now and I was trying to accept it and move on. This was really bad timing for Arjun to find out the truth.

I had thought maybe it might actually work out well after all that's why I didn't tell Arjun or anyone else anything. That last look he gave me before leaving the room was still fresh on my mind. The lines of distress on his forehead and the heaviness in his eyes reflected a profound sense of brokenness.

I couldn't look into his eyes. The guilt wrecked my heart. I heard a knock on the door suddenly and I quickly got up in panic. I turned to look in the mirror and was horrified at the sight. There were tear lines on my cheeks and my eyes looked red and puffy. My hair on the other hand looked like a birds nest. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and ran my fingers through my hair a few times to make it look somewhat normal.

It didn't help so I just gave up and walked to the door to open it. When I opened the door, Arjun was standing there with his jacket over his shoulder and the top two buttons of his shirt undone. His hair looked messy like he had run his fingers through it a lot and his face was closed off. He didn't even look at me. He was staring straight ahead at the wall behind me and his eyes held no sign of life whatsoever. The emotions I saw just now had just disappeared.

Arjun looked like how I saw him during our wedding when he was beside me. I opened the door wider and he stepped in and walked inside without another word. Walking into the closet, Arjun grabbed a few clothes and went to the bathroom. I closed the door beside him and settled on the bed waiting for him to come out. After what seemed like forever he finally came out and walked straight toward his cabin.

"Arjun I-", I said reaching out to hold his hand.

Arjun flinched and pulled away his hand but turned around to face me.

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