25. Sweet Nightmares

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Shruthi's POV

The night filled the empty street in blackness, an illusion devoid of life

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The night filled the empty street in blackness, an illusion devoid of life. I stood there, alone in the silence, my breath turning cold right in front of me in the frigid air. The whole place was completely empty with no sign of life, no distant hum of traffic, no bustling footsteps, just an eerie stillness.

I turned slowly, looking in both directions, and a shiver traced an icy path down my spine. No cars were on the the deserted road, no shadows danced in my vision, meaning I was alone there with no other human. The only disturbance in the lonely night was a lone streetlight, flickering mysteriously, casting erratic shadows that played tricks on the edges of my imagination.

A sudden chill in the air prompted me to wrap my arms around myself, seeking warmth that seemed to be nowhere in the current situation that I was stuck in . It was then that, like a mirage materializing from the night itself, Arjun appeared beside me. His familiar presence brought a fleeting sense of relief.

With a kind smile, he draped his jacket over my shoulders, his warmth a comforting shield against the mysterious cold. I leaned into him, the glow of the flickering streetlight casting an almost magical aura around us. The silence persisted, but in Arjun's company, it felt less ominous.

As I looked up to thank him, a sudden twist of horror seized the dream. Arjun's face grotesquely morphed into the haunting face of the driver from my encounter. Panic set in, paralyzing me in a nightmarish tableau. The warmth turned to an icy grip, and I screamed, the sound echoing through the empty street.

The nightmare gripped me tighter, the distorted reality refusing to release its hold. Arjun, or the nightmarish version of him, tightened his embrace as I screamed even louder.

Abruptly, I jolted awake, gasping for breath, beads of cold sweat clung to my trembling form. The empty street dissolved into the soft glow of my bedroom. The remnants of the dream still echoed in my ears, leaving me disoriented and frightened. As I gasped for breath, my eyes widened in terror upon seeing Arjun, who sat beside me with a worried expression, his concerned eyes searching for signs of distress.

"Shruthi, payapudatha! Inga paaru naa thaan. Nee batharama iruke", Arjun's voice, laced with concern, cut through the lingering fear.
(Shruthi, don't be scared. Hey, it's me. You're safe)

But in my panicked state , the lines between the dream and reality started to blur for me. I recoiled away from Arjun, my hands flailing as if to ward off an invisible threat.

"Illa thalli po en pakkathule varatha! ", I cried my voice trembling.
(No, stay away! Don't come near me! )

Arjun's eyes reflected a mix of understanding and anguish as he attempted to reach out, "Shruthi, naa Arjun. Unnaku onnum illa. Keta kanavu avolo thaan"
(Shruthi, it's Arjun. You're okay. You had a nightmare.)

However, the nightmare's grasp lingered, I was still unable to differentiate between what was real and what was not imagined, so I continued to fend him off.

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